story updated

Sep 20, 2005 07:27

"A Guardian's Legacy" officially makes its return from hiatus with the posting of this chapter.

It took me awhile to get back into the groove of this but I think I succeeded. We'll see how future chapters go but I think this one came out reasonably well. Onward...

posting, agl, writing

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Comments 15

I kunstarniki September 20 2005, 22:31:20 UTC
I have begun reading and can see why you found it difficult to put this on hold while visiting the Confessional and why you found it difficult to re-enter. It is astonishingly complex and detailed. I am sure total immersion is the only way you can write so accurately. Brava!

I keep forgetting - how is your shoulder?


Re: I owlmoose September 21 2005, 00:17:48 UTC
Are you actually reviewing every chapter?! Wow! :) I'm glad you're liking it so far.

I have a timeline already, for my own reference; I started pulling it together as soon as I decided I was going to write this story, then filled in gaps and blanks as I went along. I could never have kept all this straight without it. I did wonder whether you would find the Paine/Baralai relationship jarring. I have my reasons for choosing that direction, which I think come clear later. I also have my reasons for writing Kinoc the way I do. I never thought much about him before, but the deeper I get into this story the more fascinating I find his character. The bit about the coat is actually from Japanese samurai tradition, but the portrait in the Hall of Guardians is my own invention.


I kunstarniki September 21 2005, 00:29:35 UTC
Kinoc is rather eggy looking and I have never been able to warm up to him. I truly love the coat/sling explanation and thank you for the reference. I eagerly await the reasons for Paine's connection to Baralai.

I hope you get the bondage implement adjusted to your greater comfort.


Re: I owlmoose September 21 2005, 00:45:29 UTC
I eagerly await the reasons for Paine's connection to Baralai.

Well. I think I've justified it pretty well within the world of the story, but here is the *real* reason. When I first started writing, I hadn't made very many decisions about the future thread. I don't remember for sure, but it seems likely that I'd assumed Paine to be involved with Nooj because that relationship is so natural in my mind. But then I wrote the bit where Paine admits her family relationship to Auron, and when Yuna asked her if anyone else knew, the name that popped out of her mouth was Baralai. I turned that over in my head for awhile, decided that it worked, and went with it. So it was really a case of the story having a mind of its own!


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