
May 03, 2010 18:30

As an antidote to my earlier post today, and on the flip side, here is a completely awesome project: karenhealey calls on the women of the Internet to tell her why we're awesome.

I just read through all the comments, and the catalog of awesome is a wonderous sight to behold. And it's not just the comments themselves, but also in the beauty of the supportive ( Read more... )

internet, via ljapp, feminism, meta

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Comments 5

taricalmcacil May 4 2010, 02:52:28 UTC
I'm too shy to proclaim my awesome on the journal of someone I've never heard of, so...

I am Katie, and I am awesome because I don't give up because I don't understand something, even if that means repeating a class. I'm awesome because I study the past - not through history books, but through the skies. I'm awesome because I'd rather get dirty cleaning a horse than put on make up. I'm awesome because I put my family and friends before trivial things. I'm awesome because I can make a friend laugh when they're down, and send them comfort when they need it most. And I'm awesome because I can totally hold up a mezzo soprano line in an SSAA piece even though every one else is jumping up to the soprano line. I'm the meat of the song, and I will not bow to the others might! I'm awesome, because I will not compromise my morals to please someone else.


owlmoose May 4 2010, 03:12:26 UTC
Those are awesome things to be proud of! :) Thanks for sharing them.

And I totally agree about singing in harmony: totally awesome. I've been an Alto I since sixth grade, and I love it. I especially love picking out my own harmonies when I sing along to the radio.


taricalmcacil May 4 2010, 03:14:33 UTC
Ha, so do I. And if it's a song that happens to have a harmony, I find myself incapable of singing the melody.


first_seventhe May 4 2010, 12:16:16 UTC
This post, that post, and the others it links to: they are all awesome. I will be back with more awesome once I have read it all, because it is very exciting!


owlmoose May 5 2010, 01:40:49 UTC
Awesomeness is always exciting! :D I love seeing stuff like this proliferating over the Internet.


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