
Apr 25, 2010 16:56

One more session to go, conference-wise. But before I forget, I want to note a talk I saw earlier, by a librarian-artist who considers blogging a integral componant of her artistic practice, and it struck me how much I feel the same way about my LiveJournaling and how it relates to my writing. Feedback, community, keeping notes on progress and ( Read more... )

librarian, via ljapp, i need better tags, writing, meta

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Comments 1

vieralynn April 27 2010, 19:59:24 UTC
Very interesting. I can see how this would come to be, although it would also depend on how the artist (or any other professional) uses blogging to support their work. I often think of blogging as yet another normal professional activity, a way to advertise/market one's knowledge, and a way to engage in meaningful conversation with others who share the same interest. So, it seems pretty easy to imagine how blogging can go from useful to integral, I think.


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