I forgot the most important part!

Mar 22, 2010 11:28


Time to start packing!

(the backpedaling on this one should be fun)

the media, via ljapp, current events

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Comments 3

taricalmcacil March 22 2010, 22:41:44 UTC
He's probably going to say his words were taken out of context, blah blah blah...


owlmoose March 23 2010, 06:53:26 UTC
Sadly, he's already trying to claim that he just meant that he'd be traveling to Costa Rica for his health care. But I think we should hold him to it.


taricalmcacil March 23 2010, 15:38:08 UTC
Too bad he's never done military service, or I'd say go after him for Treason.


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