Title: To Get To The Other Side
Fandom: FFX-2/Star Trek (2009)
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1396
Characters: Rikku, Paine, James T. Kirk, Dr. McCoy
Pairings: n/a
Spoilers: None
Notes: Written for
the Alphabet Fic Meme for
muggy_mountain's prompt, which was "Rikku/Captain Kirk (reboot), Adventure", and heavily inspired by the
Shatner of the Mount remix video by
Fall On
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Comments 6
And those sparklies would look like an unsent!
The little banter at the end is definitely IC. I was having a little trouble hearing Kirk's voice before that, but then, I'm still not used to the reboot.
I found Kirk a lot easier to write in his own context, so I'm not surprised if he sounds more natural there. Like you, I'm still getting used to the reboot, but I'm also not that familiar with the original (I'm a Next Gen/DS9 Trekker). If you can think of tweaks that will help, I'm all ears.
In other words: sadkljhlsdlololol
This is so charming and confusing and awesome. I can just see Rikku's head cocked curiously throughout the entire thing. And um. Yeah. Ship it now more then ever.
This worked Way Too Well.
Ship it now more then ever.
It is very shippable, isn't it? Also now I wish I could have come up for an excuse for Paine to interact with McCoy. Wouldn't that have been some excellent snark?
that's all I got
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