Successful weekend

Nov 15, 2009 19:10

We tried a new tea shop today! Always a sign of a banner weekend. Ku Day Ta Tea Lounge (great name). The tea itself was of high quality and well-prepared, and the food was all tasty and in reasonable quantities. On the downside, the service was indifferent, which is a serious strike against any establishment that calls itself a "tea lounge" -- that ( Read more... )

friends, food, writing projects, mundane, writing, meta

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Comments 2

giandujabird November 16 2009, 16:30:56 UTC
I didn't mind the service, actually. It was slow, sure, but still friendly from my perspective.

I totally agree on the hot water situation. Really, it seems oddly wasteful and cheap to throw out the leaves and then not allow hot water refills. More ironic considering how yummy and generous the food was (imo) there -- usually tea places skimp on the food, but not the tea!


owlmoose November 17 2009, 02:56:53 UTC
usually tea places skimp on the food, but not the tea!

I agree, and also that the food was reasonably priced (for tea). I would happily have paid a little bit more for a bottomless teapot.

"indifferent" was maybe the wrong word to use for the service, and I agree that they seemed friendly. But there's a past which I find slow service without acknowledgement problematic, and they skirted the edge of that for me. Especially considering that the place wasn't busy at all. It may just be that I have higher standards of service for tea.


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