Fun and games

Mar 30, 2006 18:32

Baseball starts today! ( More blathering about baseball here. )

videogames, music game, mundane, baseball

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Comments 10

iamleaper March 31 2006, 05:06:54 UTC
I see a familiar face in your icon. ^^


owlmoose March 31 2006, 05:42:52 UTC
I wondered if you'd recognize your old buddy Omar. :)


peachespig March 31 2006, 06:52:37 UTC
YAY baseball!!

You so do need another icon. I mean, this one would be just fine if it didn't have the smarmy grin from that little !@#$%!@#$ Vizquel on it! :D (Sorry, those sentiments go back to his Cleveland days.)

I saw they changed the name of the stadium again... can we just go back to calling it Pac Bell?

Red Sox/Giants WS??


owlmoose March 31 2006, 08:16:07 UTC
Aw, I like Omar. That defense, man.... But mostly, it was by far the most iconnable picture I could find that was of a Giant who was not Bonds (not that I dislike Bonds, particularly, I want my Giants icons to be of other players). Hopefully once they start playing there will be way more photos and I'll be able to find something better.

can we just go back to calling it Pac Bell?

What makes you think anyone has ever called it anything else? ;)

Red Sox/Giants WS??

What a beautiful dream... :) So wait, you aren't going to be a die-hard Rockies fan now? ;) I've seen at least one sports columnist pick them to finish over the Giants. That hurt.


peachespig March 31 2006, 17:38:22 UTC
We'll go to a Rockies game or two... actually caring about them seems doubtful. ;) I'm sad we didn't move to an AL city.

As for the Giants... if Barry misses significant time it could be really ugly. Depending on him they could contend or they could be in Worst Place. I'll cross my fingers...

I don't know if you read Penny Arcade, did you see their Kingdom Hearts strip today?


owlmoose March 31 2006, 19:05:28 UTC
I don't know if you read Penny Arcade, did you see their Kingdom Hearts strip today?

*falls over laughing*

I read it when I think to, but I hadn't seen that one. :) Thanks for the pointer!


angeltaisha March 31 2006, 11:20:25 UTC
I've been looking forward to the official start as well! Unfortunately I don't get to watch any of my beloved Yankee games unless I go to the brother's or father's. I can't afford the baseball package on Comcast. :(

Ha ha- Yankee worship...


owlmoose March 31 2006, 15:38:51 UTC
At least following a high-profile team means that you'll probably get a fair number of national games -- FOX games of the week and ESPN, etc. Can you get the games on radio? Or listen online?

Ha ha- Yankee worship...

Seriously. It was ridiculous. Damon, Jeter, and A-Rod were all in the line-up, and it was all the commentators could talk about: how awesome they were, how strong the Yankees were going to be this year, how much they wanted to have those players' babies. It even got in the way of calling the game: "Oh, look, Randy Winn just got the first hit of the game. Okay, now back to what I was saying about Alex Rodriguiz, who isn't even at bat or on base right now, I just like to talk about him...." I think even you would have found it over the top. ;)


angeltaisha March 31 2006, 19:10:14 UTC
I agree with you! I love admiration for my team just as much as anyone, but come on! They are only baseball players like any other player out there and shouldn't get any over the top high praise. It's no wonder people have a hard time liking them! Steinbrenner is just so full of himself sometimes I think.


peachespig March 31 2006, 17:33:42 UTC
I love your icon.

Cheer up, emo Derek!


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