Title: Like an Ocean Wave 1/2
overnighterPairing: Brendon/Spencer, Ryan/Jac Vanek (implied)
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 13,394
Disclaimer: The following is fiction and no profit is made. No disrespect intended. These are fictional representations of real people only.
Summary: Prom night is a special night in every boy’s life. Right? Spencer’s not too
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Comments 5
I am skimming because I have to leave very shortly, but this is still really, really adorable.
Thank you for your lovely comments. :)
Brendon Urie and Spencer Smith are in a band called Panic at the Disco, which looked -- circa the time this story is set -- something like this.
In between their first album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out and their second, Pretty.Odd., they fired bassist Brent Wilson and took on Chicago-based Jon Walker.
Other bandom bands include Pete Wentz's own Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship, The Academy Is . . ., The Cab, The Hush Sound, Gym Class Heroes and Empires. Each have their own following, although many of the bands' members tend to show up in stories about each other as supporting characters.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.
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