Title: Movie Night Fandom: Jackie Chan Adventures Claim: Hak Foo Table/Theme Name & Number: Theme Set VI: #4, Entertainment Rating: G Summary: Hak Foo and his co-workers suffer through each other as they watch "Kill Bill".
hah! I haven't seen JCA in so long that I forgot who Hak Foo was. But I figured, "I'll remember..." and the minute that he said that crazy move, I knew.
This was very well written, and it's fun to see the guys on their downtime just watching a movie.
That's such a signature line of his that it's great for jogging people's memories with. I usually use it right away with people who've seen the cartoon, and they get it almost immediately. *grins*
Comments 2
This was very well written, and it's fun to see the guys on their downtime just watching a movie.
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