Title: The Darker the Fable
Fandom: RENT
Claim: The Man (Luther)
Other characters/pairings: Gordon
Table/Theme Name & Number: I, #8. Betrayal
Rating: PG
Summary: Luther's losing his brother.
Luther's standing outside Gordon's apartment when he comes out His brother looks straight at him and turns away, ducking his head in a way Luther recognizes. It's that automatic ability of Gordon's to disengage, to go almost completely unnoticed. It doesn't work with Luther.
"Hey," he says, and reaches out to grab his twin's arm.
Gordon jerks away. "Get away from me. I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to look at you. Ever."
He walks off, before Luther can respond, and Luther realizes he's lost his brother. He just can't quite figure out why.