Aspen Hell Lands 6/8

Feb 19, 2009 18:30

Title: Aspen Hell Lands
Author: outuendo_11
For:  privatesmile   for the secret admiration fic exchange thing
Pairing: surprise
Rating: adult
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters.
Summary: Andy's parents win a free trip to the Aspen Highlands, but will the vacation be ruined when someone from Andy's past happens to be inhabiting the same hotel?
A/N: Thank you so much flitterbug18 for giving me fab ideas and helping me write this. :)

Chapter 6

Nine in the morning came all too quickly and Andy still had no idea where she was supposed to meet Miranda.

Deciding that she might never run into the woman, Andy went to the main lobby and headed towards the corner café. She would get some coffee, work up some courage, and call the woman. But as soon as she approached the café, she found Miranda in sunglasses and an outfit that was completely unsuitable for her. A plain white shirt under a bland, cheap black fur, and tight blue jeans. In either hand she had coffee and she extended one to Andy.

“I hope you like it like this.” Miranda muttered, bringing her own coffee to her lips.

Andy knew that she would like the coffee no matter how Miranda made it. And it somehow tasted like the best coffee she had ever had, despite the fact she’d had the very same coffee the morning before and had not been impressed.

“Hmm, I love it.” Andy grinned.

“Good, let’s go.” Miranda quickly headed towards the exit, to a waiting car.

Andy didn’t even have time to ask as she watched Miranda slip into the driver’s seat. Realizing she was meant to follow, she quickly stepped into the passenger-side door.

Andy was shocked into silence; she didn’t even feel the need to ask where they were going. She just sat back and found she was relaxed in Miranda’s presence.

The woman was a crazy driver. She peeled out of the parking lot, no regard for the speed limit. But once they were out on the highway, Andy relaxed back into her seat. She couldn’t imagine a better day. A road trip with Miranda and some fabulous coffee flavored by La Priestly herself.

Just as she was getting comfortable, she felt a hand fall dangerously close to her center. She looked over at Miranda, who had her eyes on the road. The woman wanted her.

Andy reached over and let her hand gently tickle down Miranda’s cheek, run briefly through her hair before resting at her neck, massaging there for a moment before letting her hand trail down her arm until their fingers intertwined together. Miranda’s hand moved deeper between the warm recesses of Andy’s thighs. Andy let out a slight moan, her center dampening. She shifted slightly, Miranda’s hand moving closer and closer to her.

“Where are we going?” Andy’s voice was low, raspy.

Miranda squeezed her thigh gently. “The next hotel you see.” She didn’t even look over as the words rolled off her tongue.

“There.” Andy pointed, having just happened to catch a sign for Motel 8.

Andy didn’t think Miranda would even consider it, but she felt the car veering off on the exit ramp.

“Are you sure, I mean what if…” Andy was immediately riddled with insecurities about allowing Miranda into such a place and the possibility that someone might find out, but Miranda silenced her.

“No one knows who the hell I am all the way out here in the middle of nowhere, Andrea.” Miranda snapped, pulling in to the dingy hotel parking lot.

They entered the hotel through disgusting yellowed-glass doors. The place smelled of faint smoke left over from years of allowing smoking indoors. A drained pool could be seen through browning windows across from the run down lobby. Several broken couches littered the lobby and a fuzzy, staticy TV hung in a corner. Some empty candy machines sat in the opposite corner and the carpet looked horrendously stained.

Regardless, Miranda hardly seemed to notice. She seemed to have one thing and one thing only on her mind. She marched up to the man behind the desk, who looked like he hadn’t washed his hair or clothes for some time, and demanded a room.

He took one look at her and nodded, even though the sign next to his desk read ‘No check ins until after 3’.

Andy let her hand wonder to Miranda’s lower back, realizing the man had no idea who they were. Miranda’s body tensed at her touch, but quickly relaxed against her hand. Andy let her fingers wonder beneath Miranda’s shirt, wanting desperately to get close to her, to feel her soft silky skin like she had the day before.

While the man printed a receipt, Andy stole a quick kiss to the back of Miranda’s neck, and she felt the woman straighten at the touch of her lips to soft skin.

The man didn’t seem to notice. He appeared as if he could care less. He was happy to make a sale, and that was all he cared about. Handing over the key, he returned back to his newspaper.

Miranda practically dragged Andy behind her as they made their way to the room that was down the long first floor hallway. When they arrived at room 126, Miranda fumbled with the key, wanting nothing more than to get Andy undressed and on the bed. When the lock finally caught and unlocked, Miranda was quick to open the door.

The hotel room was dingy and dark. Horrid puke-green carpet was on the ground, and a hideous burgundy bedspread covered the mattress and white, starched sheets. Miranda went to the bed and pulled off the bedspread, mumbling things about how dirty the bedspreads were, especially the one here.

Andy heard nothing, for she was on Miranda in an instant. She wrapped her arms around Miranda’s waist and found her fingers undoing Miranda’s jeans. Miranda moaned against her touch, leaning up against her. Andy kissed her neck, quickly helping Miranda out of her coat and tossing it to the crappy brown chair off to the side. But just as Andy was about to take over, Miranda turned in her arms and began undoing Andy’s jeans. She wasn’t going to let it be all about her.

They found their way out of their shirts and bras, and soon they were lying naked on the white, scratchy sheets. But the sheets didn’t matter as Andy let her wet center rub against Miranda’s warmness, pressing kisses to her lips. “I need you…” Miranda hissed, her fingers snaking into Andy’s hair. Andy complied, scooting down onto one of Miranda’s thighs, spreading the older woman’s legs so she could have easier access to the older woman’s middle. Andy leaned down and pressed a kiss against Miranda’s abdomen. Her finger found its way to Miranda’s clit, flicking over the extremely swollen, wet nub. Miranda arched her back against Andy’s touch, the silver-haired woman panting as Andy began to let two fingers glide easily into Miranda’s dampened middle. Fingers went leisurely in and out, Andy kissing and licking circles around Miranda’s left nipple. Miranda arched deeply into her, wanting more. “Harder!” She called out, her own fingers searching, roaming over Andy.

Miranda could feel Andy’s wetness against her thigh and she wanted to feel and give Andy what she was experiencing. She found Andy’s wetness and attempted to let her finger curl into it, but it was hard because Andy was rubbing against her. Somehow she found Andy’s clit and pressed against it, Andy calling out against Miranda’s nipple.

Miranda was unable to fathom what was happening as she began to feel her body racing towards its edge. She could feel the inevitable climax but she never wanted it to end. But it felt so good, and as she felt herself getting closer and closer to her climax, she realized Andy had stopped her torture on her breast and was breathing heavily against her chest.

It was then that Miranda realized they would be climaxing at the same time.

“Harder.” Miranda pushed harder, wanting it, but not at the same time and those conflicting emotions pushed her to an edge that she realized Andy and she were reaching simultaneously.

“Fuck!” Miranda called out, feeling herself coming down. She fell back against the bed, her body completely relaxed. “Hmm.” She grinned, reaching deftly for Andy, and in seconds the brunette appeared and leaned down to kiss her.

“I’ve never done that before.” Andy laughed, kissing Miranda again and again.

“Hmm.” Miranda whispered against her lips.

They were both breathing hard, Andy finally collapsed on top of Miranda, lazily kissing her neck.

“What does this mean?” Andy shyly asked, her fingers lightly tickling Miranda’s pale, smooth side.

“What?” Miranda frowned, pressed a kiss to forehead, and sighed. “Well…” They were silent for a moment more, only their breathing evening out was audible. “I think it means we just fucked.”

“But is that all that this is?” Andy swallowed, wanting and hoping that it wasn’t.

Miranda sighed again, swallowed, “I don’t….” She took a deep breath. “We’ll see.” Miranda whispered on an exhale.

Andy set up. “We’ll see?”

Miranda frowned up at her.

“What the hell…Miranda…please tell me this was not some impromptu fuck because you wanted me and now you’re just going to fucking leave me. Well fuck you.” Andy cried, already out of the bed and attempting to locate her clothes.

Miranda was completely shocked, having not thought Andy would react this way. “What. Are. You. Doing?” Miranda got up on her hands and knees and reached out, grabbing Andy by her jean’s belt loop, pulling her to her. She buried her head against Andy’s stomach, “no.” She felt tears welling in her eyes and she cursed herself. She was acting so damn vulnerable. “Don’t leave me.” Miranda’s voice was hardly audible.

Andy pushed Miranda away from her and Miranda bowed her head, not able to meet Andy’s eyes. Andy was pushing her away again. She was going to leave her like everyone else did.

But to her surprise she felt Andy’s hands on her cheeks, pulling her head up so that they were staring into each other’s eyes. She felt Andy’s fingers brushing the tears from her cheeks.

“No, no…I’m not going to leave you. Again.” Andy pressed her lips to Miranda’s, realizing that this wasn’t just some mindless fling. Miranda wanted her, no she needed her.

Their kissing turned into another round of lovemaking, followed by cuddling.

“Are you all right?” Andy felt brave enough to ask.

Miranda nodded against her chest, pressing a kiss between her breasts.

“Do we need to get back soon? Aren’t the girls going to wonder where you are?” Andy asked, realizing it was beginning to get late.

Miranda sighed.

She didn’t want to leave this hell hole. She wouldn’t trade this moment in this crappy hotel room for anything. She pressed her lips to Andy again, wanting her to always be there, with her, naked, kissing, touching her, holding her.

Miranda nodded, “but not before we get something to eat. I’m starving.”

“Oh, all right.” Andy grinned, always up for some food. She leaned down and kissed Miranda’s forehead.

Reluctantly they pulled their clothes on, left the bed as it was, and exited the musky smelling room. Miranda took one last look at the room and realized she never wanted to forget this place, this nasty, disgusting room. She wanted to imprint it into her mind so she could always come here and remember the wonderful first time she had shared with Andy.


They found a little Ma and Pa café where no one would recognize Miranda. And for this they were thankful for they could hardly stay separate for more than a second. They stole quick kisses, and their hands were always touching as they ate their way through two hamburgers, French fries, and a shared milkshake with whipped cream. It was like a date Miranda had never had, for she’d never really had a carefree young adulthood.

She basked in the attention Andy lavished upon her and rewarded her with quick kisses, even licked whipped cream off her lovers’ nose. It was entirely not Miranda Priestly a la New York. No this was an entirely different, new side of the woman and Andy found she quite enjoyed this.

Could Andy be the person Miranda had been searching for her entire life? A person that really cared about her for her instead of for her money and fame and incredibly amazing fashion sense?

Yes, she did believe Andy liked her for her. And it both surprised and delighted her.

She felt her heart begin to sink as they headed back to the Ritz. It was getting late; the girls would be done skiing and would want to go to dinner. Miranda wasn’t sure how she could return to her normal life, with her girls, without Andrea.

Andrea seemed to sense this, and so she let her hand slide over Miranda’s thigh, attempting to reassure her that it was all right. They would be okay.
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