Entry Post--Luke Skywalker

Apr 09, 2007 12:14

Luke, clad in black today, wanders into the Inn, his attention solely fixed on the datapad in his hands. He appears to be tired, and every now and again he rubs his forehead as if he's getting a headache ( Read more... )

fran, balthier, luke skywalker, tom collins, april dorian, xander harris

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Comments 97

fallen_april April 9 2007, 17:17:48 UTC
Of course, there's a tense little bundle of energy sitting not too far away. The fire's warm, you see. And even with the fire and a blanket, she's still so cold.

But she doesn't know Luke, so she's not saying anything. Just sitting there, curled up, being cold and tense and jittery. Can we say junkie craving a hit?


sonoftwosuns April 9 2007, 17:35:23 UTC
He does notice her after a few minutes. The poor girl is wrapped up in a blanket as if she were freezing on Hoth.

"Oh. Hello. I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." He frowns. "Are you okay?"


fallen_april April 9 2007, 19:27:36 UTC
"Oh, yeah, I'm absolutely fucking fine," she muttered, tugging the blanket around her a bit tighter. "I so enjoy feeling like complete shit."

Pardon her, withdrawal makes her cranky.

[OOC: I'm going to kill my internet if it dies again, I swear to god...]


sonoftwosuns April 9 2007, 19:48:55 UTC
[OOC: Joy. I've been having similar problems for the past few days, so I feel for you. Hard reboots are SO much fun.]

He gives a dry chuckle. "You sound like my sister when she's in a bad mood." He pauses. "Look, there's probably not a kriffing lot that I can do to make whatever's wrong better, but could you please tell me why you're feeling like shit? Maybe if I knew more, I could help."


mitanarchist April 9 2007, 17:46:26 UTC
[ooc: Cannot resist, though I am leaving momentarily to go back to work. Shall be home sometime after 5pm CST. :D?]

An intelligent looking young man is sitting to Luke's left, reading a book. Collins hasn't noticed Luke's entrance. But he's unlikely to fanboy quite as much as Mark.



sonoftwosuns April 9 2007, 18:13:23 UTC
Luke has no sooner noticed the girl when he spots the young man with the book. He studies the book's spine, but can make nothing of the letters.

He clears his throat. "Er...excuse me. What's that you're reading?"

Luke actually is not upset by fanboying...although Collins might be amused by the fact that Luke is very likely to blush a little. Possibly more than a little.


mitanarchist April 9 2007, 22:12:31 UTC
"A collection on the works of some of the early Greek philosophers---" And the trail off happens right after Collins recognizes the person he's speaking to.

Oh, boy.


sonoftwosuns April 10 2007, 02:24:07 UTC
Luke either hasn't noticed the trail-off or, more likely, is choosing to ignore it for the moment. Collins, after all, just used one of Val's favorite words--"philosophers."

"Oh?" he says thoughtfully. "Which ones? And is the book good? If it is, maybe my wife would like a copy." And maybe he'll get hold of a translation from the library. He's nowhere near the genius that Valentine is, but he trusts her good taste.


leading_team April 10 2007, 00:32:18 UTC
There's a hum in the space over the roof, and a few minutes later a young man in black pants, pirate shirt, and corset-esque vest comes strolling down the stairs and into the lobby followed by a woman? dressed in black armor, wearing stiletto heels, long ears quirked over a butt-length ponytail of silvery hair.

"Well well, here we are again. Were you not steering for Bhujerba, Fran?"
"The Strahl's a fickle girl, Balthier. You should know that."

She meanders over to a chair by the fire, not noticing Luke at this point, while Balthier goes to get drinks for both of them. It was cold out in the ravine below Bur Omisace.


sonoftwosuns April 10 2007, 02:43:37 UTC
Luke sees the long-haired, long-eared--alien female? woman?--and bows his head in greeting. "Hello," he says politely. "I don't think I've seen you around here before. I'm Luke. What's your name?"


leading_team April 10 2007, 11:15:11 UTC
Said long haired and eared female nods back, as does her parner in...wacky hijinx who's just showed up at her elbow with a drink.

"My name is Fran, and this..." she motions to the man beside her with a set of rather long, elegant fingers, "is Balthier. He is captian of our airship, the Strahl."

"You forgot to mention my role again, Fran. I'm hurt."

Fran shook her haid, smiling at him. "I maintain that you are in more of a supporting role."

"Fran! Please, my ego..." It seems to be an old argument.


sonoftwosuns April 10 2007, 14:55:29 UTC
Spaceships, Luke knows. Airships, not so much.

"Isn't being captain of an airship a role?" he asks hesitantly.


xandtheman April 10 2007, 05:19:33 UTC
Xander is walking in from the pool area with a piece of pizza in his hand when he notices the man in black walking into the Inn. Of course, being a Star Wars geek, it takes Xander a mere moment to recognize the man, and then he's frozen in shock.

Oh, God. Luke Skywalker! Thanks to Faith, Xander already knew a Luke Skywalker was here. And he'd convinced himself that it couldn't possibly be the Luke Skywalker. But it was. ...This is the shit dreams are made of. I should talk to him! But not with pizza. He shoved the rest of the piece in his mouth.

... fantastic! Now your mouth's full of pizza. Real smooth. He turns back towards the pool, chews, and swallows. Okay. You can do this. Xander very nearly runs out the Inn's front door before convincing his legs to go and sit down nearby.

"Uh, hey." He somehow manages, waves a little in greeting, and then looks at the food (Oh God, real Star Wars food!). "That looks good. Better than the pizza even." Pizza? You're actually talking to Luke Skywalker, jedi and hero of your childhood, about ( ... )


sonoftwosuns April 10 2007, 05:49:55 UTC
Luke looks up at him and grins. "It is good. Want some?" And a duplicate platter of food and a second glass of ruby bliel materialize in Luke's hands. Luke offers the food to Xander.

"I'm Luke," he says--as if he couldn't guess that Xander knew that. "What's your name? I don't think I've seen you before. Are you new here?"


xandtheman April 10 2007, 06:03:29 UTC
Xander's brain can't process the nod till after the food's already appears. He reaches out and takes it from Luke.

And there's the nod.

He smiles, setting it in front of him. "Thanks."

"I know!" Xander says quickly, smile becomes a grin, and then he winces. Again with the smoothness. "I uh, I mean... I'm Xander. I'm mostly new... been a few other times is all. I met the orangutan, Faith, a guy from Japan, and now... you."


sonoftwosuns April 10 2007, 06:20:59 UTC
"Oh, yes," says Luke, taking a bite of lamta. "I met Faith. Nice girl. I haven't met the guy from Japan yet, though. And who's an Orangutan?" Without any further information, Luke's figuring that "Orangutan" is sort of royal title.

"Let's see, who have I seen here so far? My wife, Valentine Wiggin-Skywalker. Faith. A guy with a vidcam named Mark Cohen. My wife's adopted sibling, Angel. Her biological brother, Peter. A girl named April. A few people whose names I don't know yet. And...my father. Who's about twenty, at the moment." And who has no clue what lies ahead for him.


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