As if 1973 wasn't enough

Jan 23, 2008 04:23

Sam Tyler was not amused. Not at all. Because, honestly, how often do you walk into a lobby and find it amusing? None, for Sam Tyler. Which should be a given really, since this isn't exactly where he'd wanted to go ( Read more... )

sam tyler, regulus black, svetlana sergievsky, the master, lucy saxon

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Comments 86

thedrumsofwar January 22 2008, 19:39:36 UTC
Sam Tyler might not be amused.

The Master, however, is deeply amused.

And he can tell already that this isn't the doppleganger he's been toying with since he entered the Inn. This one is new.

The Master is just going to sit at the table he was at when the man walked in, elbow resting on the table, chin resting on his palm, and smile at him until he's noticed. He's patient.

Like a viper.


wantingtojump January 22 2008, 19:45:01 UTC
"What is it now, eh!?" Sam shouted at the ceiling, hands out in a spread eagled fashion. "Couldn't get the dosage quite right!? What, did I change my Mum now she's trying to kill me or something!? WHAT!?"

He might be making punching gestures at the ceiling. And looking a bit insane.


thedrumsofwar January 22 2008, 19:50:04 UTC
The Master is not concerned by insane. It's nothing unusual for him, after all. Not concerned, but certainly fascinated.

At length, he tilts his head to one side and asks with genuine curiosity, "Does that ever work?"


wantingtojump January 22 2008, 20:00:52 UTC
Sam was not good at noticing people were around when he was talking to the 'voices in his head.' However, when he glanced at the man who had just spoke, he did a double take.

Forgive the pun.


not_the_lion January 22 2008, 20:10:03 UTC
They tried the anagram charm with too few letters, Regulus is fairly certain; he's most of the way through the results, and he hasn't seen anything that looks much like a viable name. He'll have to take that up with Selwyn, when he goes back to Hogwarts.
In the meantime, a shouting new arrival is a perfect distraction.
"Something wrong, then?"


wantingtojump January 22 2008, 20:15:52 UTC
Not listening. Freaking out.

"What the bloody hell do you want now!?" he yelled at the ceiling.


not_the_lion January 22 2008, 20:18:14 UTC
"I shouldn't think the ceiling wants anything. It's never been that demanding before."
...He couldn't resist. It's that sarcasm thing.


wantingtojump January 22 2008, 20:24:27 UTC
Acting completely insane took a lot of his brainpower. It may take a while for him to realise there was someone talking to him.

In the meantime, he banged his fists against the wall and shouted on the top of his lungs some more.


beenleftbehind January 22 2008, 20:22:25 UTC
Svetlana nearly drops her tea at the sight of who she thinks is the KGB agent who has managed to derail her and her husband's life so spectacularly shouting like a madman.

She hesitates for a moment then goes over to him. "Comrade?" she asks faintly, in Russian. "What is wrong?"


wantingtojump January 22 2008, 20:34:12 UTC
People speaking to him in another language did not help.


Cue futile kicking of completely innocent wall.


beenleftbehind January 22 2008, 20:48:02 UTC
Svetlana flinches, dropping the tea this time. The poor defenseless wall surely did not deserve the abuse.

As she thinks away the mess she realizes though he may look look like Molokov, the body language is all wrong.

She tries again, in English, this time. "Hello?"


wantingtojump January 22 2008, 21:06:34 UTC
By now Sam had slid down the wall in exhaustion, his good mood spent and his day ruined. Not that it had been looking to have been a particularly good day. 1973... not many good days in 1973.

The out of time police officer sat on the floor, his eyes closed and his jaw set, trying to calm himself down and find a solution for... for whatever this was.


lucy_in_his_sky January 22 2008, 22:24:26 UTC
Lucy is actually getting used to this whole seeing-people-who-look-like-her-husband thing.

Somehow, that strikes her as a bit pathetic. Amusing if she were anyone else, but terribly bathetic.

"Yelling isn't going to get you anywhere," she informs from her spot at a table not too far away. "And it's not exactly giving the rest of us a good impression either."

Don't mind her, Sam, she's not slept yet.


wantingtojump January 22 2008, 22:45:39 UTC
Sam exhaled exhaustedly and placed his fists on the wall, putting his head on them and grinding his teeth. He stayed this way for a moment before giving said wall a frustrated punch.

He didn't even flinch.


lucy_in_his_sky January 22 2008, 23:23:52 UTC
"Let me know if that actually does anything to improve the situation?" She asks, mocking in her voice. Really, all she sees is a man throwing a little bit of a tantrum and it isn't doing anything for her.

Folding her arms across the tabletop, she just watches him. "Let me know when you're done, then maybe we can get somewhere."


wantingtojump January 22 2008, 23:47:43 UTC
Sam turned around and looked at her, clearly not at all welcomed by the mocking.

"Can I help you, ma'am?" he asked purposefully, shortly, so as to show that he was really not in the mood for patronisation.


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