Ben snaps a picture at her when she enters. It's really a priceless action shot. He's lucky he was stalking the entrance, waiting for someone interesting to walk through.
He quirks an eyebrow at her.
"Really? In my experience, I've found there's always a way to fuck!"
Ben frowns. "I haven't left since I came in. Not a big fan of being gone for that long... at least I'd be in my own world and... not in a crazy camp though."
He quirks an eyebrow at her.
"Really? In my experience, I've found there's always a way to fuck!"
"Shit. You're a damn good friend for doing that, but I bet you're glad to be un-stuck!" He sends her a warm smile. "Welcome back to the Inn!"
Ben frowns. "I haven't left since I came in. Not a big fan of being gone for that long... at least I'd be in my own world and... not in a crazy camp though."
Cecily ponders for a moment, then takes a flying leap for a couch.
"I am so glad to be back!" she declares loudly.
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