The door opens to reveal a George.
Sleep-deprived, hungry, covered in something that may or may not be blood, but most certainly a George.
She doesn't notice that she hasn't walked into her home, doesn't even notice tha there might be other people around. All she sees is a free couch and the possibility of never moving again, something that she is
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He raises an eyebrow as the girl collapses onto the couch, and studies her for a moment before commenting, "Not to be nosy, but... are you alright?"
For some reason, the only people he ever talks to in the Inn seem to be cute girls. And he's gay. Go figure.
Pulling herself upright she looks around. This? This was definitely not home. Where the hell was she?
"I...Erm...What?" She blinks again, trying to take everything in. "I mean uh...Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry but did I miss something? This...I mean this isn't where I live. Last time I checked, this was definitely where I lived. Did I miss something? Are you planning tot ake my kidneys maybe? Which, if you are, would you mind y'know, not doing it instead?"
He rolls his eyes. "I don't even have anything to do with you being here. It's the Inn, it's between space and time, and we don't know why it brings people here. But while you're here, if you'd like to think up a drink, you can do that. They're free."
...Not the most helpful explanation, maybe, but Gordon doesn't always go for helpful. Mostly, he goes with whatever amuses him at the moment.
She takes a moment to process the information, biting at her lowe3r lip as she thinks. "So, basically it's like limbo with perks. Okay, I can accept that." A part of her wishes she wasn't quite as calm with the whole thing, that she could freak out just a little, but then again maybe she'll flip out later.
A cup of coffee is soon in her hands and she's grateful for the caffeine rush. "What's in the notebook?" It probably would have been a bit more sensible to ask what this guy's name was but frankly, she really wasn't feeling particularly sensible.
Yes, he's eating pizza, as always, but the entrance of a girl covered in... something is enough to distract him long enough to set down the pizza and stare.
"What the hell?" He kind of stands and walks over, standing over her and trying to tell if she's still breathing.
Why is she hearing voices? Nobody was supposed to be here and yet she knows she heard voices.
Lifting her head she blinks at Xander, before letting her head his the cushion again. "Shut up," she says into the pillow. "You're loud and I'm--...Wait."
She looks at him again. "What the hell?" A quck look around. "What the hell?!"
Xander nods and throws his hands into the air. "That's what I said! What the hell? Is that blood, that you're... all covered in? Shit. Are you okay?"
"It's..." She sit sup, looking down at herself trying to come up iwth a quck explanation. "It's cranberries," she finally decied. "I'm fine and it's just cranberries. I...Fell into them."
...God, if he believed her then he had to have been an idiot.
"There should be a special hell for people like you, reserved just for those people who...."
Wait, what?
That...That would be death...Or Death, she guessed.
"You're uhm....I mean..." She wasn't sure if grinning was appropriate right now but she couldn't help it. I mean, if it was Death, or the Death she thought it was, grinning was the least she should be doing.
He extends a skeletal (what else?) hand.
"I...Yeah, I'm George." She gives the other an awkward handsahke, a little unnerved by the whole boney hand thing.
"Good to meet you too?" She's not sure whether this really was sucha good thing but hey, may as well try to look on the positive side of things.
"So, you're Death and you're...Here?" She looks around. "Not exactly the place I'd imagine you spending your nights and weekends."
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