welll i went down to connecticut for my week's vacation came back thursday worked yesterday and this weekend and then monday and that's it for this week concerts very soon i can't wait
and now i got a car my mom grand cherokkee this one's green :)
The key to unlock this mystery Of girls and their emotions Play it back in slow motion So I may understand the complex infrastructure known as the female mind
grrrrr I hate my actions sometimes everytime and i mean EVERYTIME I'm near a guy I like or semi-liked I ACT LIKE A BITCH LIKE I'M BETTER THEN THE REST OF YOU AND I ACT LIKE A FOOL and i have been acting this way since I was 12 and I hate it and I wish I could help it because it's dumb but it just gets worse grrrrrrrrrr
this week has just been hell i have no idea if it's becuase of midterms or the snow days or just it being half days but the whole thing has messed with my mind and body balance and i just feel like crap!!!!