Dec 07, 2006 19:38
I'm not sure this is anything more than personal vanity.
I'm currently examining a thesis on one of the historical subjects on which I am possibly a world-renowned expert, if only because the field is very small indeed. Anyway, an area in which I have published a certain number of chapters and articles (aside from any mentions in books dealing with broader topics of which it is a subset).
Although this person has book I co-edited on subject in bibliography, and cites colleagues' chapters from it, does not cite mine. Instead, cites symposium paper from my website, which only covers some of the same ground as the chapter in book, and has a rather different analytical focus. This is not exactly crucial, except as background, but it's annoying, especially as their account of a fairly crucial event (dealt with in my chapter but not in website piece) is based on what I consider to be a misinterpretation from an earlier secondary source.
There are also two other relevant, if not crucial, articles of mine not mentioned.
None of this is critical to what the thesis is actually doing (I'm not going to fail it on that account); but I find it somewhat miffsome. Particularly the citing of web article but not published chapter.
Am also somewhat miffed with Mailwasher (which I've only recently started using) as I find that it sometimes thinks you're marking for blacklisting and deletion items which you actually aren't.