Have now got a Vox account under the name of wanderinghedgehog. Not sure what I'm going to do with it, but who I am to resist the rising tide of rhinoscerification?
I wandered over to Vox, but there's remarkably little information available that I can find about how the thing works, ways in which it's similar to or different from others. Apparently, people are not yet prepared for the consumer who wants to shop for a blog engine.
How does it handle what LJ calls communities? Possibly you don't know, if you've only just started, but I'm curious.
It is only in beta at the moment, which may explain the rather bare-bones nature of the thing. I can't find that they do communities (yet), but I'm still working it all out myself.
Invite emailed to your livejournal.com address. I'm not sure what the attractions are - it may have to develop a bit more before I get a sense of them - and I'm not sure I'd choose it over lj, but that may be because I am now so embedded in/addicted to lj. However, it's a potential space.
Comments 8
Ah, typing 'wanderinghedgehog.vox.com' into the address bar works, but it rather puzzles me, as I thought Vox handles didn't have to be unique.
I have one, but I'm not sure how much I'll use it - the ads are rather omnipresent and horrid.
How does it handle what LJ calls communities? Possibly you don't know, if you've only just started, but I'm curious.
I have some invites if you would like one!
What are its attractions. I mean, would you choose it over LJ for anything?
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