Title: Shut Your Eyes
goten0040 and
garnetice Chapter: 22
Rating: M
Ship(s): Kendall/James, Carlos/Stephanie, Logan/Camille, maybe more.
Summary: Future!Fic. Kendall returns to L.A. six years after Big Time Rush disbanded. James has been missing for years. Imagine how things change when James reappears in his life. And he needs help.
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Comments 8
In any case, it's been a long time since I've done any writing myself - years, really. And reading this - it makes me feel like maybe I could give it a go again. So thanks for that. And give me more, please. Soon.
And no worries about the next chapter! I may or may not have already written it... And it's... juicy... to say the least. In fact, I should probably apologize now. Haha!! So be prepared!
WRITE. We both love it when people write things! Anything! Sad things! Happy things! We just love to read things! And if we've given you any kind of inspiration, I can say personally that I think that is the biggest compliment you can give any author, ever. ♥
It makes me so happy when you always comment. I get so nervous and I swear, it is your comments and goten0040 being awesome that keeps me together through writing this thing.
:3 I enjoy spreading the lurve, especially to you two. <3<3
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