
Dec 12, 2006 08:42

How swell - another wireless router fried. A new one costs CHF 248 - I could use that money for other things, grrrrr! I have to find the bill/warranty for my current wireless router, if I'm lucky it's still within the warranty period but I'm guessing more likely it's just about over. So I guess there's nothing for it, as I will NOT be offline for ( Read more... )

personal stuff, tv: wedding wars, internet

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Comments 9

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ourdramaqueen December 13 2006, 20:10:16 UTC
Yes, here winter is particularly dry too. I am trying to keep hydrated, and I turned up the humidifier last night, which seemed to help.

We have very stable electricity lines here, there shouldn't be big ups or downs really... My sister reminded me that it was actually after I moved into this flat when I got the new router, and not at the last one, so it is still within the warranty period and they should replace it for free really.


ismenin December 12 2006, 13:25:07 UTC
Another cough! You really do get em, my love! Huggles. And hope the router gets well, soon, too. :D xxx


ourdramaqueen December 13 2006, 20:11:22 UTC
Yes, every cold goes to my chest! But it's a bit better today, the homepathic medicine I got is helping. Thank you! *Huggles back*


primula_baggins December 12 2006, 13:48:08 UTC
Wow, I wonder why your router keeps getting fried?

Hope you get over that sore throat very soon. I've noticed with the drier air mine is more scratchy too.


mole_caz December 12 2006, 18:51:21 UTC
Yes it is [dry air that is!] I was coughing like mad today because of the dry air and sugar powder in my Tudor kitchen! But it went and I hope your cough/cold or whatever it turns out to be isn't too bad.

I don't know anything really about routers except that they can be trouble! My friend has had two go on her this year. Hope your problem soon gets fixed.


ourdramaqueen December 13 2006, 20:17:26 UTC
Thank you, it's slightly better today, thanks to a homepathic spray I got.

I have no idea either - but at least my sister now finally installed her wireless, and since my flat is next door to hers I can piggyback on her connection. :)


ourdramaqueen December 13 2006, 20:15:50 UTC
I guess having to switch it off repeatedly over the last couple of days due to connection problems, and that being the last solution after trying everything else, has to do with it. But good grief if the connection breaks down although the laptop and the desktop still tell me I'm connected, and it doesn't get better over night, what else can I do but swtich the router off and then on again?

Throat is okay and nose isn't too bad but the cough is tiring! Though it's slightly better today. The air is quite dry here anyway, and in winter it's almost unbearable sometimes - my lips are constantly cracked from the dry AND cold air. I try to keep hydrated but I'm sure I'm still below the recommended amount of water per day. But I just can't drink more.

And some people wonder why I prefer warmer climates...


hekateriness December 12 2006, 20:54:44 UTC
Coughs are a pain. I have a nasty one myself. Hope yours will go away soon.


ourdramaqueen December 13 2006, 20:18:02 UTC
Oh joy! I hope yours too!


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