Name: Laura
Age: 18
Strengths: I'm very understanding and honest. Mature, realist, reliable. Loyal, logical, responsible, honest, helpful, funny even though I've been told i have a weird type of humor. Patient, I'm usually modest about my abilities but bold when it comes to me and my optinions, i'm not pushy though. I just don't like when people try to make me think the other way i do without knowing when to stop, i can be pretty bold or rude then. I have a strong sense of loyalty, honour and justice. I'm pretty laid-back, sometimes even too much with school issues XD Let's burn school? why not? almost no one likes it anyway~~~~~~ or am i wrong? Even though I'm very laid-back I can also be hardworking when it comes about things i like do to or are important to me. I'm a sarcastic person, especially irl. Analitycal, a perfectionist and an independent person. Yeah, that makes me a
INTJ type of person, which fits me perfectly. I'm just a little more of an laid-back and fun type.
People also think i do weird things sometimes but it makes them laugh so i suppose it's a strong point.
Weaknesses: I'm a very introverted, reserved, private and secretive person. I don't trust people. I like the fact i don;t go to people and talk about my problems or things that bother me and all that. Sometimes I can be overly sarcastic or overly laid-back or obsessive. Mischievious when bored because i find it fun, haha and controlled with emotions and behavior, especially when not at home. Even though i'm patient, some people can make me angry in a second and i may get aggressive. Some people just know how to make me angry. I'm collected but I also can be clumsy which isn't such a good thing ;o; I can fall down when there is nothing on the floor and end up hurting myself.
What type do you think you would be?(i.e:"Prince type"): The sarcastic, secretive or mysterious one. That's what I usually hear or get voted/stamped as. People who know me more would say one of these 3 or, can't lie about this one but The mischievious one.
Who's your favourite character? (optional): Damn, I love them all for something else, ok almost all. I gotta say Tamaki because he's a funny goof guy who can act like an idiot but hes also smart and knows how to mmanipulate treat people :]
Who's your least favourite character (who don't you want to be stamped as): Renge. Ok, i can't really remember her that well but i never liked her. She was kinda annoying and just, idk.
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted.
Logical or Emotional: Logical.
Flaboyant or Reserved: Reserved.
Melodramatic or low-key: Low-key usually.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Realist, please? as everyone, i can be pessimistic sometimes but i try to remember that i can't stay that way so yup, realist that's it.
Obsessive or Easygoing: Depends on what, can be both.
*note: "/" means 50/50 obviously.
[/] Zany - depends on my mood >.> With some people i can be like that with some not. lol
[x] Reserved
[/] Intelligent
[/] Intuitive
[] Rich
[] Poor
[] Colorful
Anything else?: Thanks much for voting! I will vote on more applications after getting up :]
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