All About Haruhi, or, Three Drabbles

Sep 30, 2006 20:48

Title: Revealed
Characters/Pairings: Haruhi, the twins, fangirls
Genre: gen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 371
Summary: Finally, Haruhi lets it slip.

It was a week before the end of Haruhi's third and final year at Ouran. Exams were nearly finished, so the girls in class 3-A were gathered around fashion magazines instead of attending to their studies.

"Haruhi-kun," one of them called, "what are you going to wear to the graduation party?"

Without thinking, she replied. "Well, my father bought me a dress. It's rather fancier than I would have liked, but it will make him happy, and anyways blue is my favorite color."

There was a moment of silent astonishment before the girls broke out into squeals. Somewhere nearby, Kaoru snickered. "Haruhi-kun will make such a lovely okama!" exclaimed one. Another sighed so deeply she nearly passed out.

A nearby girl that Haruhi didn't know very well, but respected as she was quiet, intelligent, and not taken in by the Host Club's antics, looked over. "I'm surprised they would let you do that," she said.

"Why wouldn't they?"

Haruhi's fangirls looked indignant.

"I'm fairly sure the dress code is strict. You should check it out."

Haruhi decided to take the plunge. "They don't have anything against girls wearing dresses, do they?" The fangirls looked confused. Their classmate looked puzzled. "You mean . . . ?"

Haruhi smiled brightly. In the corner of her eye she saw Hikaru rolling on the floor in silent laughter. "Unless they've changed the rules, I should be fine, shouldn't I?"

The girl's jaw dropped.

"Haruhi-kun is a girl?" one of the fangirls whispered.

The rest fainted. Haruhi returned to her calculus.

A moment later her desk was swarmed. "You're joking."

"It can't be true."

"I always thought Haruhi-kun was too pretty to be a boy."

"It's absolutely true," Kaoru said, coming up behind the crowd of girls. "Haruhi-chan is a girl, forced to dress like a man and join the Host Club in order to pay off a debt."

The fangirls weren't sure whether to sigh at the romantic story or be extremely jealous.

"Haruhi," one of them said, leaning forward, hands over Haruhi's books, "You must tell us everything." The fangirls murmured in excited agreement.

Suddenly Haruhi realized what a horrible, horrible idea it had been. Somewhere, Hikaru laughed even harder.

Title: Unexpected
Characters/Pairings: Haruhi, Yuzuru/Ranka
Genre: Crack
Rating: PG
Word Count: 480
Summary: Haruhi arrives home for the weekend to find an unexpected guest. Because I read mirax_took_'s Relative, which just screamed this pairing to my twisted brain.

Haruhi arrived home for the weekend quite early. The morning trains were cheaper, and she was hoping to get back to school at a decent hour to get a little bit more studying in. The streets were silent, still a bit misty in the cool morning, deserted save her and the neighbor's cat, which darted under a parked car as she passed. So when she opened the door to her father's apartment and saw a stranger standing there, she was understandably startled.

It was awkward, she thought, but not to be unexpected, as her father was a grown man. Then figure turned toward her, and Haruhi felt herself grew dizzy as the features of Tamaki's father became visible in the weak light. She very nearly dropped her bag. Instead, she managed to choke out a greeting and quickly turned around to take off her shoes.

Tamaki's father. Haruhi was sure there was a perfectly good, non-sexual reason for him to be here. Until her father emerged from the other room in an elaborate, silky robe. "Haruhi!" he exclaimed. "I had no idea you would be home so early! Come give me a kiss!"

"Hello, Dad. Erm, sorry to, erm, intrude."

"It's no trouble at all," Yuzuru said, emerging from the kitchen and sliding an arm comfortably around Ranka's waist. Haruhi's brain fuzzed dangerously. "I am just as happy to see you as Ranka-san."

Ranka tittered and nestled closer to Yuzuru.

"Well, um, why don't I go and get us something for breakfast? I'll just run to the market."

"Haruhi, the market doesn't open for another hour!" Ranka called after her.

But Haruhi was out the door, shoes in hand, leaning against the wall for support. She was happy for them, really, in a detached sort of way, but there was also another, very large, part of her brain screaming in bewilderment and just generally freaking out. Kyouya. Kyouya had to know about this, he knew about everything. They were going to have to have a Talk when Haruhi got back to school.

In the mean time, though . . . Haruhi took a deep breath, turned, and opened the door.

Ranka rushed from the kitchen, looking worried.

"I just remembered the market doesn't open for an hour," she said weakly.

"You must be exhausted from your journey," he said, taking her shoes from her hand and leading her towards the table.

"Come, Yuzuru-chan's brought some specialty coffee, it's delicious and will wake you right up." He installed his daughter at the table, and Yuzuru set a mug of coffee down in front of her. It really did smell delicious, much like what they'd had at the Host Club when Kyouya purchased the coffee instead of making her get instant stuff. Haruhi took the mug gratefully in her hands and sipped. This was going to be a long morning.

Title: For Tamaki
Characters/Pairings: Haruhi/Tamaki, Haruhi/Kyouya
Genre: non-con, D/s
Rating: R
Word Count: 289
Summary: Kyouya does it for his best friend.

Kyouya does it for his best friend.

He holds his best friend's wife down, gags her, pushes her dangerously close to the edge. Doesn't hold back. Comes in hard. She weeps and begs and leaves like a new woman.

It's habitual, now, on the schedule like one of his business meetings. It is a business meeting. 'Haruhi, 2-3' is penciled in, third Wednesday of every month.

It started when he saw that desperate look in her eyes. He knew that she loved Tamaki and he loved her, but also that Haruhi had depths which Tamaki could never reach. He was golden. She was clay.

She had wept, poured out her soul, probably only coming to him because she was at her wits' end. She loved Tamaki. He was wonderful. Why wasn't she happy?

He saw that bleak, blank look in her eyes of someone on top, in control, someone about to push it all away. So he turned the tables. He had pushed her down without a word, hardened himself as she gasped, eyes wide with fear. He held her against the wall. He tied up her hands. She protested, but not enough. And afterwards, he had stalked out of the room without a word.

The next time he saw Haruhi, she was bright, buzzing, on Tamaki's arm and paying him little attentions. Obviously, she was in love. But then she was knocking on his door late at night, when Kyouya's girlfriend was out of town and Tamaki visiting his mother. She didn't have to say anything.

He does it for Tamaki, he tells himself, as he fucks his best friend's wife. Tamaki couldn't live without her.

He does what he can to keep Haruhi happy.

Comments/criticism appreciated, especially with regards to Japanese terms. Hopefully I've used them correctly here.


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