~The Basics~
Name: RJ
Nickname(s): Em. I would rather not say.
Age: 17 going 18
Gender: Female
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? Nope =)
Likes: A good books, the Chinese language, sleeping, good food.
Dislikes: Homework, being forced to do something I do not enjoy, blood (in real life. I do like shows like CSI and stuff)
Fears: INSECTS D< Heights, crowds.
Goals/Dreams: To lead a peaceful life after I have LOTS of money =)
Talents: Logical, quick thinking, being objective
Hobbies: Reading, watching crime related serials
Strengths: Rational, able to differentiate between right and wrong, quite thrifty
Weaknesses: Lazy, lack initiative
Shy or Outgoing: In the middle. I would socialise with the people I need to socialise with.
Calm or Energetic: Calm
Controlled or Impulsive: Pretty much controlled unless it comes to fandom related stuff
Pessimistic or Optimistic: Realistic
Decisive or Indecisive: Decisive
Mature or Immature: I'm getting old.. I say I do seem more mature than a typical 17 year old, but not mature enough to handle big decisions and stuff.
Messy or Clean: Clean D< I hate messiness.
Leader Or Follower: I usually follow, unless the current leader is really useless.
Night or Day Person: Morning.
Indoors or Outdoors: Indoors! D<
Your Overall Personality In Three Up To Six Words: Calm, logical, sacastic till it's annoying.
~Favorite/Least Favorite~
Favorite- Black, white, red
Least Favorite - bright yellow, lime green
Favorite- Noodles
Least Favorite - Bitter stuff
Favorite- Dogs
Least Favorite - Insects D<
Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- Hikaru. He can give my boring life some colour >D
Least Favorite - Mori. Given that I hardly talk, we would make a really uninteresting pair.
Non-Host Club Member And Why: (meaning those that aren't actual members of the host club.)
Favorite- Haruhi's dad. I think he's very interesting =)
Least Favorite - Em. Renge. She can be kind of annoying at times. Although yay fellow fangirl~
Favorite Quote(s):
How would you describe yourself? A typical high school students with less interest in fashion and more in fandom. Hyperlogical and money minded.
How do people usually describe you? Quiet, boring. Always looks like her soul is somewhere else.
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? That I am not around to see how terrible it is.
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Same as above.
Put yourself in Haruhi’s position when she accidentally knocked over and broke the vase. How would you react to breaking it and being forced to become the Host Club's dog in till the debt (of ¥8,000,000) was paid off? Make do with it. It's part and parcel of life.
~Last Three~
Include A Picture Or Describe Yourself:
HEREAnything Else: (anything at all? maybe you have more to tell us more about yourself that you don't thing you covered well enough?) Nope =) Thanks for reading through.
The 3 apps you voted on: (please edit in a 3 full links if there wasn't a full 3 when you first submitted your application here to vote on. Note that you will not be stamped till 3 apps are linked below.)
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