Can you see Haruhi with Tamaki 24/7!?

Oct 18, 2007 14:21

~The Basics~
Name:  Maegan
Nickname(s): Lemon and MaeMae
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? I don't have a preference ;DD

Likes: Soda, Sleeping, Reading, Music, J-pop, Ali Project, Cosplay, Voice Acting, Dancing, Singing, Annoying People, Sweets, M&M's, Blood, Bed Bath and Beyond 8D, Wigs~ <3, Piano, Guitar, Anime, Manga, Sugar, Plushies, Cute things, Naruto, Kaibutsu Oujo, Higurashi, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (They are obsessions~ <33)
Dislikes:  Ikea. So much furniture.. Annoying people, People who don't do as I say like good boys and girls, Violence, Sound of people chewing, slobs, when people chew with their mouths open, when people tell me what to do, backstabbers, liars, cheaters, when people schout at me, not having enough money to buy a plushie T.T
Fears: I have a TREMENDOUS fear of PAIN. I have always some what felt pained all my life and feeling it physicaly scares me. I hate bugs natrually. I fear the Kool-Aid man. I mean siriusly! What's so cool about a giant picture of punch crashin' through your wall shouting "OH! YEAH!" sounds like Sexually horassment to me D<
Goals/Dreams:  My dream is to complete a Cosplay with a HUGE prop. I know it's kinda silly, but it's my dream. Just knowing that I made this and people complimenting it makes me feel excited~ <3

Talents:  Well.. Annoying people and cheering people up are some of the Talents I have. I'm a pretty good dancer. I have been training in the basics styles for 11 years now. I'm also a talented cosplayer~
Hobbies: Spazzing~ and Cosplay. I also do some Amatuer Voice Acting.
Strengths: My mental strength. I have a strong will and mind and it takes alot to bring me down. I (being honest) could care less of your opinion of me. I'm also good at making people smile and laugh. It's a natrual charm ;DDD I'm also a VERY caring person.
Weaknesses: Ummm. I'm a l LOUD childish person who says more than they should. I'm also bad at wording and typing. My downfall is for cute things. I see it and I must have it. I'm bad at saving money and I annoy people and don't listen.

Shy or Outgoing: I'm a very outgoing person, but around those I don't know I can be very shy.
Calm or Energetic:  I'm a expressive person so I'm matrually Energetic, but I can be calm when the time is right... but most of the time I'm the Little Energizer Bunny from Hell ;D
Controlled or Impulsive: Implusive.. Very IMPULSIVE.
Pessimistic or Optimistic: Pessimistic. It's very natrual 8D
Decisive or Indecisive:  Decisive. When you ask a question. I garuntee I will have a answer.
Mature or Immature: Immature around people I know personally and Mature around those I don't know.
Messy or Clean: I'm a natrual Pig, but I'm a bit of a Clean freak. When I go to conventions, usually I'm the one who keeps everything orginized and clean.
Leader Or Follower: I'm a natrual leader, but I can follow. I only throw a tantrum if the idea is stupid.
Night or Day Person: Night person.
Indoors or Outdoors:  I perfer Indoors.
Your Overall Personality In Three Up To Six Words:  Hyper, Funny, Caring, Loud, Obsessive, Bitch 8D

~Favorite/Least Favorite~
Favorite -  I love the colors Light Pink and Lavender. They are very soft and pretty, but yet their colors can be very expressive.
Least Favorite -  I don't have a 'Least Favorite' color. I like them all.

Favorite -  Cheeseburger, Ramen, Pizza, Shrimp and Cake!
Least Favorite -  Any kind of Mexican food or Fish.

Favorite -  My favorite animal is a Dog. I have grew up around dogs and they are great friends.
Least Favorite -  Cat. Ugh. To needy and weird for me. I also got attacked by one when I was little.

Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite - I LOVE Tamaki~ He is so funny and energetic, but calm caring when the time is right.
Least Favorite - Kyouya. I have never really like the Characters with Glasses.

Non-Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite -  Renge! Her laugh is AMAZING! 8D
Least Favorite - I don't have a least favorite.

Favorite Quote(s): "Lies Will Lock you up, with TRUTH the only key"

How would you describe yourself? I'm a ubber hyper girl who likes to make people smile and laugh. I have a fond obsession with plushies and cute things, but I adore Bloody/Gore animes and shows. I'm usually happy, but I do have a emo side that comes off un-caring and emotional. I'm a competitive person who loves a good challenge, but I hate losing. I love to make up words and use them quite often. When I have a favorite Character/Otp or whatever I'm a RABID FANGIRL. I'm actually a pretty mean person. So don't piss me off. I come of insane and innocent to my friends, but I can be very violent and wish people dead.
How do people usually describe you? I spazzy, insane, fangirl from Hell.
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? All the home-less people on the street. I mean the deserve a food and a nice place to sleep, Just as much as we do.
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? My off-tune, pitchy voice.
Put yourself in Haruhi’s position when she accidentally knocked over and broke the vase. How would you react to breaking it and being forced to become the Host Club's dog in till the debt (of ¥8,000,000) was paid off? I wouldn't think of it as a bad thing, but as a ADVENTURE and meeting new friends. I would take it positively. I would feel bad for breaking the vase, but in the end the feeling of making new friends is a feeling that can never perish.

~Last Three~
Include A Picture Or Describe Yourself

Anything Else: FLOOBALOO!
The 3 apps you voted on
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tamaki, stamped

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