Haunted - Chapter 3

Aug 23, 2009 23:05

I come bearing the new chapter of Haunted for you all.

Author: mizzshy 
Rating: T
Pairings: HikaruxKaoru, some HikaruxHaruhi.
Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran.
Warnings: Character death, strange goings-on in later chapters, and probably highly non-canon.
Summary: When Kaoru dies, Hikaru feels like his life is over along with his twin's. Is it possible to get it back?

Chapter 3

Chapter 1, Chapter 2

X-posted to mizzshy , hikaruxkaoru , ouran_fanfics , ouranhost_slash  and ouranhostclub . Sorry for any spamming.

c : kaoru hitachiin, c : hikaru hitachiin, p : hikaru hitachiin/kaoru hitachiin, r : pg-13, g : drama

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