Title:The World Beyond the Gate
Rating: G
Genre: General
Characters: Young Hikaru and Kaoru
Warnings: None.
Summary: New world, same uncertainty.
The World Beyond the Gate
Sounds of yelling and laughing children reached their ears as soon as the door of the family limousine was opened. The two brothers glanced at each other silently out of the corner of their eyes. Granted, the noise wasn't much different from what they were used to; chattering, faceless adults who cooed and fawned over them and the latest outfits of their mother’s design that they modeled.
But this was something alien. They literally sat on the brink of entering a new place for the first time, about to be thrust into a whole new world--school--and already they feared for the worst.
Nobody would be able to tell them apart.
Hikaru swallowed that thought and looked out at the magnificent buildings. Sunrays shone brightly, making the pale stone buildings glow and windowpanes almost blinding to look at. On the grounds, he watched the other children running hand in hand and playing games before the bell rung for class to begin.
Would they fit into that world, or would it just be them alone all over again surrounded by others who weren’t them?
Unfortunately, there was no more time for them to hesitate. The chauffeur was urging them out and pointing at the large looming clock off in the distance. They couldn’t stay in the limousine all day. Hikaru felt Kaoru slip a hand into his, and the older twin gave the shaking hand a reassuring squeeze. He smiled weakly, glad to know that he wasn’t the only one afraid.
And so, they slid out of the vehicle a moment later and faced the large wrought iron gate standing between them and that world. The second they passed through it, there’d be no going back.
But...at least with Kaoru there, Hikaru knew he’d have someone there to endure it with.