Challenge: "Dream" // Fic: "Fever--105.6"

Aug 03, 2009 17:01

Title: Fever--105.6
Rating: G
Genre: General, with hints of fantasy and friendship
Summary: Tamaki is hallucinating.
Length: 487 words
Pairings or Characters: Tamaki, with cameos by Kyouya and the twins and mentiosn of Haruhi, Hunny and Mori
Warnings: Nothing.

Author's Notes: I would have liked to lengthen this, but I had to keep it short and sweet, and I'm semi-pleased with the allover results, but I wish I could have put in more discriptions...I also don't think the relationships and what the characters are actually thinking are clear enough, but one can use imagination. Anyway (I do not own Ouran) Enjoy!!

He was standing on a plush red velvet rug, stuck, undulating in a round jewel that glimmered in the sunlight like a water droplet. The place, wherever he was, smelled of sweet flowers and the almost palpable air of romance, toying with his senses like a puppet. He smiled.


He turned around quickly, feet still caught, expecting to see Haruhi-it had been her voice, right?-but instead he saw Hikaru...Or Kaoru. He had no discerning hair part, and he wasn’t smiling or smirking. And when he spoke, it sounded as if two people were talking, and it echoed. “Hi, Tono.” Hi, Tono...’i ‘ono....’ono...’no...

“Ah!! Do you know where we are, Hikaru?”

“I’m Kaoru.”

“Oh, do you know where we are, Kaoru?”

“I’m Hikaru.”

“Sorry, sorry. Silly me. Where are we? Can we leave?”

The twin shook his head. “Kyouya-senpai won’t like that.”

“What?” He blinked, and then they were small-very small-standing on the cushion of one of the Third Music Room couches. Hikaru and Kaoru had left, and instead, Kyouya was there, full sized and sitting next to him. Tamaki jumped up and down, yelling in a squeaky voice.

“Kyouya!! Kyouya!! Mother, look down! Look at me! Please?!?! Look at me!! I’m tiny, I’m small! Please, look down! Look at me! Look at me!!” He stopped, and pouted-sad he was unable to earn a reaction from his friend. “Are you even listening to me...?”

“Well, I hear you talking...” Tamaki stiffened, and the giant Kyouya lifted his arm to check his watch. “Oh, it’s tea time.”

“Tea ti--?” And then the world started moving, and Tamaki was unable to keep his balance on the cushion, falling over as the top of a gigantic Queen Elizabeth cake broke through the fabric of the sofa and rose up with the blond on top. He rocked back and forth, trying not to fall over. “AHHHHHHH!”

Somewhere overhead, he heard a deep voice. “Brush your teeth, Mitsukuni.”

“’Kay, Takashi!!!” And then there was a flash of white rocks, pink flesh and then there was dark.



“Noooooooooooooooooo!” Tamaki screamed, thrashing innthe sweat-dampened bed sheets violenelty as his best friend sat on the edge of the bed.

His phone was ringing, and Kyouya set aside the wet cloth he was nursing his best friend’s scalding forehead with. He checked the caller I.D., flipped the cell open and pressed it to his ear with a casual greeting of, “Hello Kaoru.”

“'Yo, senpai. Is Tono any better? The girls at club missed him today.”

“No, his fever hasn’t broken yet. He keeps screaming out randomly, as if someone is attacking him.”

He heard a rustle of clothing as Kaoru shrugged on the other end of the time. “He’s always yelling, anyway, but...Weird. Huh...Well, he’s lucky to have you looking after him, I guess.”

“Yes, I guess you’re right.”

“Alright, bye. Tell him to get well soon.”


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