Drabble Challenge #26 // Dream

Jul 29, 2009 11:39

The Theme:


Interpret that as you like.

500 WORDS OR LESS. All entries are due Friday, August 21st by midnight central time. You may post to the community, your journal, or link it to an off-site. Make sure your links work.

Reminder: Use THIS as your guide for submitting your works.

In the Subject line, please put the particular theme and title of your fic.

Rating: all ratings accepted
Genre: all genres included
Pairings or Characters: Please try to give all pairings/characters a chance for reading. All pairings and characters are permissible.
Warnings: adult content, fluff, anything you think may squick others
Summary: Help us out and tell us a little about it.

mod post, challenge

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