Title: The Unconventional Heiress
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor/Friendship
Characters: Haruhi X Kyoya
Word count: 500
Summary: What if the roles were reversed and Haruhi had been born uber rich?
Haruhi Fujioka awoke with a sigh, unconsciously noting the presence of her personal butler before resigning herself to the day. He was there, the constant and reassuring presence that he had been for the past two years.
“Mistress, it is time to face the day with the same grace you bestow on every morning.” His rich tones had a subtle teasing edge that she was very familiar with.
“Ugh.” She responded.
“That’s my lady.” He rejoined.
With no small measure of reticence she pushed up in bed and faced her manservant, who stood with a pleasant smile and a yellow dress draped over his arm.
“Today is Saturday.” She mumbled, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
“So it is.”
“Kyoya. Why do you have my school uniform? And why on earth have you awoken me at this ungodly hour?” Haruhi grimaced at the puffy dress in distaste, she would have preferred a men’s uniform but her father had drawn the line.
Apparently if he couldn’t even indulge in his secret hobby then she couldn’t openly cross-dress either.
“Today is the national debate tournament my lady.” He arched a brow. “While I am notably impressed that you are calmly facing such an event, perhaps a bit more attention to the matter would be in order?”
Kyoya Ootori came from a family of butlers so exclusive that they chose their clients personally. Out of thousands of applicants, the Ootori family had assigned Kyoya to the Fujioka family’s only child and sole heir. Or heiress if technicalities were being taken into consideration.
The social circles had been scandalized when they first heard of the arrangement and gossip flew unchecked. It was bad enough that Haruhi Fujioka refused to act like a normal spoiled rich girl by spending her free time supporting charity events and participating in school teams unbefitting for a young woman-debate team, the Future Lawyers Club and so on and so forth. But she had to add insult to injury by flouting her father’s efforts to turn her into a lady and had appointed herself in charge of her upbringing. This had resulted in her being raised in a manner more befitting a young lord than lady.
The butler was not the first eccentricity either; he was merely the last straw. She also had a host of other specialized tutors and servants, all of whom were male, handsome and the very best at what they did.
“How’s the forecast today?” Haruhi asked as she slipped into the stockings and dress.
Kyoya’s smoothly gloved fingers took over after he heard the silk settle and he buttoned up the back of the dress. Their arrangement was unconventional but functional. Haruhi commented often on how grateful she was to not have to put up with a simpering maid or overly servile lady-in-waiting and Kyoya was silently pleased to have a vivacious and beautiful mistress to dote upon.
“Not a cloud in the sky.”
She sighed in relief and he smiled secretly behind her back.