Fri, 10:09: RT @ natgrace79: This is why I dont use the term "TERFs" anymore. These people are not feminist. They'll attack cis women & accuse them of b…
Tue, 18:42: RT @ MarlenaStell: People making a big deal about target having kids clothes in colors and rainbows? Oh no!! Pushing an agenda for these poo…
Wed, 12:34: RT @ beatleebum: just realized his suit isn't tailored at the d&d premiere because his fucking stylist quit after he said he's wearing "his…
Mon, 12:35: RT @ EliErlick: Japan had a short-lived heyday of transgender self-determination in the midcentury. Multiple clinics offered gender-affirmin…
Sat, 18:09: RT @ SeldonCrisisPod: One of the most profound and hopeful talks I've heard yet on the topic of LLMs and their potential for consciousness.…
Sat, 18:33: RT @ Camwoodstock: The Internet Archive is intending to appeal the recent court favoring on the side of the publishers. If there has ever b…
Sat, 02:16: RT @ EveHarmsWrites: Very bad news. The Internet Archive is basically the only organization dedicated to holistically preserving all forms o…