A New Dawn
Harry Potter; Blaise/Draco
PG; 100 words
Draco and Blaise, after the last battle.
Written for
challenge100 challenge #41, prompt "write a drabble that includes all five senses".
When Draco awakens, he tastes the ferric tang of blood within his mouth. He immediately tries to stand upright, and when Draco manages to stand shakily, he feels the rain pouring down on him, the grass wet and cool underneath his feet because for some reason, he's sweating. Draco hears a ragged gasp from himself as he looks at the carnage before him; all he sees are carcasses. He finds the smell of fragrant spring blossoms ironic at first, but when he sees Blaise walking toward him, a weak smirk upon his face, Draco realizes that they make perfect sense.