Arguments for journalfen

Jul 19, 2007 20:27

Is anyone actually surprised by livejournal right now? They showed their spots when they took advertisers, then again when they had sponsored communities, and again with strikethrough07 and again now. They don't like us. They will never like us. To them we're a bunch of creepy women who get their jollies from creepy unladylike things, and while they're happy to have our money they really, really don't want US. And really? fuck them.

I realize people are resistant to journalfen, in large part because they host fandom wank. But honestly? I think that's an OUTSTANDING argument for moving to journalfen. The owners of JF are not wild about FW - and in fact the mods have run afoul of them on several occasions. BUT the owners of JF are committed to the idea of protecting speech - even speech they don't particularly like - as they have shown over and over again. They defend FW and journalfen against weekly complaints, internets lawyering and DOS attacks. Fandom wank - and again, they don't particularly LIKE FW - costs them money, time and aggravation - and yet, they still host them. Because they truly believe in defending speech. Even yours.

Journalfen’s owners are slashers. It was created as a journaling service FOR fen. They're not going to squick out and suspend you over a little Harry/Draco/Squid action. No, really. They might even write a sequel.

Joining JF is actually pretty easy. It's $15 you get a TON of userpics. Since the link isn't working, email Robin (she's nice, Michael Biehn fan): robin AT slashcity DOT com OR Bonnie: zorrorojo AT cox DOT net and ask them for a journal.

Go! Join! They're really lovely and journalfen really is OUR journaling service.
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