In truth

Jun 20, 2010 13:08

I didn't post two yesterday. I will today. You know, to catch up.

30 Day Kpop Meme
→ Day 11: Your favorite k-pop music video

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I picked this one based entirely on two criteria. A) I've probably seen this MV at least twice as many times as any other in the world, not just from Korea. And B) the intense boner I have for everyone in this video (minus GD because he was still wearing diapers then) is so epic, people can feel it in the next town over. Jinusean + Perry + Master Wu + Lexy + 1TYM is the specific recipe for Instant Liz Boner.

Day 1: Your favorite k-pop guy group
Day 2: Your favorite k-pop girl group
Day 3: Your ultimate k-pop guy bias
Day 4: Your ultimate k-pop girl bias
Day 5: Your favorite k-pop song from your favorite guy group
Day 6: Your favorite k-pop song from your favorite girl group
Day 7: A k-pop song that makes you cry
Day 8: A k-pop song you know all the words to
Day 9: Your favorite k-pop performance
Day 10: A k-pop dance you’d like to learn
→ Day 11: Your favorite k-pop music video
Day 12: The very first k-pop song you ever heard
Day 13: A k-pop group you dislike and why
Day 14: A k-pop song that makes you smile
Day 15: A k-pop song that reminds you of someone you miss
Day 16: Your favorite k-pop lyric (and a translation)
Day 17: A k-pop idol you wish was your older sibling
Day 18: A k-pop idol you wish was your younger sibling
Day 19: Your favorite interview of a k-pop idol or group
Day 20: Your favorite picture of your guy k-pop bias
Day 21: Your favorite picture of your girl k-pop bias
Day 22: Your favorite picture of your favorite k-pop group
Day 23: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is underrated
Day 24: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is overrated
Day 25: Your favorite k-pop music video
Day 26: Your favorite cover of a k-pop song by another k-pop artist
Day 27: Your favorite dance battle
Day 28: Your favorite cover of an American song by a k-pop artist
Day 29: A k-pop song you never get tired of
Day 30: A k-pop idol that has amazing eye smiles

PS: has anyone else noticed that Day 11 and Day 25 are the same thing?

yg has me, roll the reel, old men are sexy, trufax, plus vagina, memeish tendencies

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