Hi, would you mind terribly if I added you? Have been admiring Lawrence, and meaning to ask you this, since 2005, but have constantly forgotten. ^^;; Your recent DoA post just reminded me.
Hi! This is Elizabeth, one of Laura's (kurara's) friends. I'd love to have you on my friend's list, as you seem like a fascinating person. (And your boy is based on THE Lawrence, which is just fabulous. :D ) I hope I'll be able to meet you when I go out to visit her in March/April! :)
Hi! Yes I "recognize" you from the FCS waiting room on DoA. I don't update a whole lot but I love to read other people's doll journals. It helps keep me busy at work. ;D My boyfriend lives in Laura's town so I'm sure I will be seeing you when you visit. Maybe we could all do a Sato trip together.
Hello! This is Sue from yesterday's Sato outing. :D It was great meeting you and it's always a nice thing to have more dolly journals on the f-list so mind if I add you?
Hey Sue! Yeah of course! I'm always looking for new dollie journals as well. :) Nice meeting you on Saturday and sorry I had to run off without saying goodbye. I just barely made that train! :D
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