Panel: Your personal fannish history.

May 22, 2008 21:25

Continuing in the 'Past' portion of our convention -

I'm always fascinated by exactly *how* people wind up wherever they are in fandom. There are those among us who have never participated in an active way until LiveJournal, there are those of us who were around when zines were mailed across oceans and you corresponded by *gasp* snail mail. Some people don't have a clue what Usenet is, and have an equally blank stare reserved for LISTSERV. Perhaps a few of you reading this have never used LiveJournal or a different blogging service at all, or are in fandoms, but just don't really talk about them or are content to just read and be present, if not necessarily active.

Everyone has a different entry point into fandom, and this panel is intended to tell a few of our fannish stories. People have posted their fannish CV/resumes - so you could think of this as your Cliff's Notes to your fannish autobiography. Or hey, feel free to post your own fannish CV/resume.

Some suggestions, but tell your history however you'd like! It is *your* history, after all.

- What were your favorite sites to lurk? And if you lurked, perhaps talk about why you lurked.
- Where was your participation the heaviest?
- Tell about the friends you picked up on the way!
- Trace your technology - (for instance, I went: ezboards --> mailing lists --> TWOP/message boards --> LiveJournal)
- List off your fandoms chronologically. Did you see members of a fandom you belonged to migrating in significant numbers to a different fandom? Did you speculate as to why?
- Talk about what you *did* in each fandom. Where did you first start reading, writing, vidding, etc. Was there a fandom where you issued your first ever challenge? In which fandom did you meet the first person you'd met through fandom?
- Are there any character archetypes that sucked you in again and again? (and have people used this totally against you in order to pull you into a fandom against your will? Because they know that you + ___ are OTP and you're utterly helpless before it?)
- Do you have any narrative/storytelling kinks that attracted you to your various fandoms?

And when you're done, comment below with a link to your post and...hmm. Perhaps list your fandoms chronologically in your comment as well; that could be fun to just take a look at in and of itself. *g*
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