
May 26, 2012 20:56

Seeing ithildyn post about her brother getting a job (yeah!) reminded me that I didn't post about mine ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

ithildyn May 27 2012, 01:02:32 UTC
That is awesome!! I still think you need an Etsy shop - you make wonderful knitted things.

Which reminds me, I remember long ago, a woman I knew who was into knitting with all sorts off odd wools had a purse/bag that she'd knitted. It was pretty cool. Have you ever come across anything like that in your travels?


otterevil May 27 2012, 08:27:02 UTC
Well, I'll have to build up some inventory first :) And copyright issues crop up if I make stuff from other people's patterns - I'm not sure there's anything they can do especially if I'm not claiming the design, but it's a touchy area. And who wants to upset people who carry around pointy sticks? :)

I have a knitted/felted bag:

Still having problems with the strap. I also have a market/tote bag that's very pretty (and that I just realized I don't have pictures of). There are lots of patterns :)


rainbow May 27 2012, 03:59:10 UTC
ooh, that does sound fun!


otterevil May 27 2012, 08:14:31 UTC
It was :) Plus I get to fondle yarn :)

It's a great shop - she has an alpaca farm and makes her own yarn, so there's a mill in the shop for processing. And she has weaving looms and spinning looms that people can use/rent.

Nice sitting area, plus she usually has coffee and cookies available :) And a shop dog - an unusually *not* hyper Jack Russell named Molly.


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