Aug 21, 2006 18:38

'Romoctor' or 'Doctana': which awful smushed pairing name do we prefer?

I am in favour of "Dromana" so that it goes with "Drose" and then those two for the Romana Variations. This way we can have much simpler flamewars when we fight over whether Doctor/Romana is inherently better than Doctor/Romana. While this method of naming is not perfect, it has many advantages such as me not being able to remember which I have decided to be at a given moment. I think Romana I option was "Doctana," because clearly "Romoctor" is the sort of foolish thing that could only refer to How Wrong That Pairing Clearly Is.

I feel this is Important, as we're not a real community until we've had a fight.

mushed ship names

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