Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 3,632 Summary: Dean reconnects with Ben and meets Lisa's new boyfriend.
I LIVE AGAIN! ;DD But then I shall slowly wilt again as the time passes until next update.
omfg, I love the interaction between Ben and Dean! Gah! And I totally wonder what Lisa sees in Milton. Especially after having Dean! Then again, I think Dean would be REALLY hard to live up to!
Jealous!possessive!Cas ahead, y/y? I wonder how Ben is going to react to Cas...and do I sense some jealousy from Lisa when she heard about Dean's marriage? Gah, I can't WAIT until the next update!
Noooooooooooo! NO! Evil! Bad author! Bad! You can't leave it there!
... I need to see what happens when Cas shows up.
Love that Dean told them he's married. Now to tell them he's married to an Angel of the Lord. An Archangel. The new sheriff of heaven. Who is completely and eternally devoted to him. ..and who is also a dude. XD
In your face, Lisa! He can do so much better! Regret, damn it!
Nope, it's music to my ears when I push readers off the edge of a cliffhanger! T'is there, go see. Actually no, not at all. I hadn't even remembered Anna's last name until you mentioned it here. I wanted a name Dean would consider douchy and was walking by a Milton Road at the time.
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omfg, I love the interaction between Ben and Dean! Gah! And I totally wonder what Lisa sees in Milton. Especially after having Dean! Then again, I think Dean would be REALLY hard to live up to!
Jealous!possessive!Cas ahead, y/y? I wonder how Ben is going to react to Cas...and do I sense some jealousy from Lisa when she heard about Dean's marriage? Gah, I can't WAIT until the next update!
I know, after Dean it would all be downhill :(
... I need to see what happens when Cas shows up.
Love that Dean told them he's married. Now to tell them he's married to an Angel of the Lord. An Archangel. The new sheriff of heaven. Who is completely and eternally devoted to him. ..and who is also a dude. XD
In your face, Lisa! He can do so much better! Regret, damn it!
But I've been kind with the next chapter, no cliffhanger.
Love Ben though. How can I not love a mini-Dean?
I need very, very jealous, possessive angel.
Fabulous chapter though. Can't wait for the next update.
Cas knows he's got nothing to worry about. Though jealous sex after this meeting is something I'm looking forward too.
Dean should get him & Cas wedding bands. Something silver of course.
Also Milton, is that to pay homage to Anna?
T'is there, go see.
Actually no, not at all. I hadn't even remembered Anna's last name until you mentioned it here. I wanted a name Dean would consider douchy and was walking by a Milton Road at the time.
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