Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash, wing!fic Word Count: 2,244 Summary: Dean learns more about Castiel's wings.
I see how Dean would be confused because of the connection with Michael, but Castiel knows it's nothing more than the vessel-angel thing (even if it's more intense with Dean awake).
I agree with everyone: wing-grooming is very sweet here! And Dean can be romantic! he's velvet in an iron glove! XD You just have to be able to undo the armor plates! I love it!
Castiel's Wings
March 29 2011, 21:55:21 UTC
I was surprised to see another chapter so quickly. I thought I would be waiting for awhile until I got to read more about Castiel and Dean.
I love this story so much. I look for a new chapter everyday when I come home from work.
I love the relationship between Castiel and Dean. You are such a talented writer. When I read this story, I felt like you had fully enveloped the characters personalities.
Please continue writing. I cannot wait to find out what happens next.
Re: Castiel's Wingsotp_destielMarch 29 2011, 23:13:45 UTC
I'm not sure when you started reading, but I try and update every other day. The past two weeks were a bit of an exception for me as there were some things going on at work, but I'm hoping to get back to my regular updating schedule now. Thanks!
Comments 37
And soothing wing-grooming. Yeay! =D
You just have to be able to undo the armor plates!
I love it!
Winged Golden Tiger
Awesome chapter, so intimate, so sweet and cute.
I love this story so much. I look for a new chapter everyday when I come home from work.
I love the relationship between Castiel and Dean. You are such a talented writer. When I read this story, I felt like you had fully enveloped the characters personalities.
Please continue writing. I cannot wait to find out what happens next.
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