Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 2,302 Summary: Bobby tells the others what they must do to prepare Sam for the ritual.
man i can not wait for sam to get what's coming to him because he's pissing me off lol! glad bobby aired out some of his dirty little secrets like sam has no problem doing with dean though.
Ohhh, lovin' this!! I love how you're telling this from Bobby's POV. This is such a fantastic fic - and I've missed Bobby so! I'm glad he's in here. If anyone can figure out WTF is going on, it is Bobby!!
Seriously? Seiously?? Argh! It's ok to blab out Dean's secrets, but let's forget or little demon blood addiction, shall we? Fucking bastard... really. *iz angry*
Yeah, that pretty much sums up my feelings from the beginning of the season when I started this fic. I imagine that he 'reasoned' it out somehow, which is something I'll need to figure out for later, but it'll be hard getting into his head like that.
Comments 41
you know me, i ♥ this and can't wait for more! =)
Seriously? Seiously?? Argh! It's ok to blab out Dean's secrets, but let's forget or little demon blood addiction, shall we? Fucking bastard... really. *iz angry*
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