Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 2,344 Summary: "Yes. Hop on in, Mike."
Yep, he's here! Been a long time in coming too as this was planned right from the get go. There aren't enough Michael!Dean or Dean!Michael fics out there as far as I'm concerned. Thanks!
Mike is on track, folks! Let's rock! Seeing how protective and fond he is of Dean, Sammy-dear will suffer a really bad time. ABOUT TIME! I only hope Cas&Dean will be together again soon. They are too sweet^^
Well, Mike is the president of the "Dean Winchester's Heavenly Fan Club", so you cannot NOT have a soft spot for him. (Cas doesn't count. He is Dean's wife, he is worshiped the same^^)
I can't tell what the last line is implying. "There was a shift in the Grace around him and Dean's consciousness faded abruptly as a jolt that felt like a lightning bolt struck him and effectively short-circuited his soul." It could just mean it was too much for Dean, but idk. Does that usually happen to the consciousnesses of people who let angels in? Or did Michael do something? Was it out of kindness for Dean that he knocked him out? Or did something go wrong??? Or did Michael have mal-intent?????? DDD: (yes, I've re-read this a couple times <3)
Don't worry, the next chapter will be out soon, so you'll have a bit more then, though I don't promise it too won't have a cliffhanger. We'll just have to see how it goes. As for that last line, I specifically chose wordind Dean might have used, hence the 'short-circuit' bit as he does a lot with mechanical and electronics. As for what it means... you'll just have to wait and see.
Yes I did. Didn't I promise you guys more angst soon? Here it is! (Well, not that there won't be more later on, but still). *pets* There, there, the next chapter will be out soon. Though it too may have a cliffhanger at the end of it! *hugs*
it's always like a double edged sword when i see your name in my mail box. on one hand i'm super excited to read the next chapter, but on the other hand i know there is going to be a cliff hanger at the end leaving me in a state of worry and anticipation :P lol great job as always and i'm looking forward to the next part :)
Comments 47
Seeing how protective and fond he is of Dean, Sammy-dear will suffer a really bad time. ABOUT TIME!
I only hope Cas&Dean will be together again soon. They are too sweet^^
As for the rest, you'll have to wait and see...
Hey hey hey hey, no no no.
"Relax, Little One, hush."
I can't tell what the last line is implying.
"There was a shift in the Grace around him and Dean's consciousness faded abruptly as a jolt that felt like a lightning bolt struck him and effectively short-circuited his soul."
It could just mean it was too much for Dean, but idk. Does that usually happen to the consciousnesses of people who let angels in? Or did Michael do something? Was it out of kindness for Dean that he knocked him out? Or did something go wrong??? Or did Michael have mal-intent?????? DDD:
(yes, I've re-read this a couple times <3)
As for that last line, I specifically chose wordind Dean might have used, hence the 'short-circuit' bit as he does a lot with mechanical and electronics. As for what it means... you'll just have to wait and see.
*Clutches at you*
*Whimpers hysterically*
There, there, the next chapter will be out soon. Though it too may have a cliffhanger at the end of it!
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