Title: Unexpected Destinies Rating: R Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 2,396 Summary: Dean calls Michael out on his behavior and attitude when Castiel is away.
Lol, I like your little translation. Yeah, Dean doesn't quite see anything as it truly is when it involves himself. That's the one aspect of Dean's character I'm always worried about not getting quite right, his complete and utter irreverence for everything and the types of things he says as a result. Thanks!
Well, he's still Dean when all is said and done, even if Cas is bringing out the best of him in a lot of areas. And Dean, well, he's just always been a bit of a kid and had no respect for anyone who hasn't done their damnest to earn it.
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That's the one aspect of Dean's character I'm always worried about not getting quite right, his complete and utter irreverence for everything and the types of things he says as a result.
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