Side Challenge // Icon Collaboration: Submission Post

May 07, 2011 12:22


More info about icon collaborations HERE.

THEME: Our Favourite Things

The only restriction for this theme is that your icon(s) have to feature a favourite thing of each iconist involved. Whether it be the favourite colour of one person, or the favourite iconning style (negative space, manga colouring, colour scheme) of another, the favourite textures/texture maker, the favourite icon tutorial, lyrics from a favourite song, the favourite OTP, the possibilities are endless. Just so you guys can go all out and give me the best combined efforts you can ♥


» All icons submitted must be a collaboration between two iconists!
» You may enter up to two icons per collaboration teams.
» But you can be in as many teams as you'd like!
» All icons must feature a pairing! No OT3 for now in keeping with the theme of two. EDIT NVM: OT3 now allowed as that's in our main rules and we don't want to confuse people. No more than that number, tho!
» Do not make your icons public until the results are posted.
» Entries should meet LJ requirements: max size 100x100 and less than 40KB.
» Official images only, no fanart/doujinshi allowed.


» Both the iconists have to be a member of otp20in20.
» You can team up with as many people as you like.
» Only 2 icons per team.
» Organise methods of communication between yourselves, please don't exchange icons/psds publicly!
» Difficulty finding a partner? Don't know where to start? Go find them / pimp yourself at the intro post!


» First place winners: each iconist gets two LJ v-gifts OR a custom userhead of their choice.
» All winners will get a banner.
» + eternal glory in our showcase?


» Submit by: SATURDAY, 18 JUNE 8PM
» Voting: SATURDAY, 18 JUNE 8.30PM - MONDAY 20 JUNE 8PM
» Results: MONDAY 20 JUNE - 10PM (if no tiebreakers etc).

Timezone: GMT+12


Only one of you have to fill out the form and submit to this post; but remember to include the names of both iconists!

Use the following form to submit:

Icon URL:
Iconists: nna_chan & lol no one.
Pairing & Series: Chiaki/Nodame of Nodame Cantabile
Favourite Things Included: e.g. nna's favourite font and someone's favourite colour, pink. lol sorry nna for using your icon in my bad example ;A;

Icon URL:
Iconists: username + username
Pairing & Series:
Favourite Things Included:

If you have any other questions about the challenge, please leave a comment here and I'll get back to you! Have fun iconning, guys!


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