Unexpected Destinies Chapter 26

Nov 30, 2010 23:59

Title: Unexpected Destinies
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5
Warnings: AU, slash
Word Count: 1,752
Summary: Castiel interrupts Dean while he's indulging himself in a little fantasy.


Dean groaned as he tightened his fist around his cock and pulled, twisting as he reached the head. Behind closed eyes, he saw Castiel as he'd seen the angel the last time they'd managed to catch some time to themselves. His shirt was opened, revealing a lightly muscled, pale chest that he just wanted to lick and bite and pull up against his own naked chest. His hair was mussed even more than normal from the way his hands had been running through it and his tie was hanging limply from his neck, almost but not quite completely undone.

In his mind, Dean now used that tie to pull the angel towards him so he could claim those bruised lips with his own. Fake Castiel slowly responded to him, his hands coming up to touch Dean's chest, tracing the lines of his muscles much as the real Castiel had done the first time he'd told him he could touch. He felt arousal flare and spread within him as fake Castiel's hands drifted lower and desperate noises started to fall from his lips.

"Cas," he groaned, voice deep and rough.

He tightened his fist even more and started to speed up his strokes as his need built steadily. Dean was so involved in his fantasy, imaging his angel's hands taking the place of his own, that he almost missed the sound of wings.

Almost, but not quite.

Dean's eyes flew open and he found himself looking at a stunned Castiel. The angel just stood there, gazing at him, eyes wide and clearly rendered speechless, though not necessarily in a bad way if the manner in which his throat worked was any indication. Dean could only imagine the image he presented, laying naked on his bed, masturbating and covered in a light sheen of sweat. The thought made him moan, the idea of being so exposed when Castiel was still fully clothed turning him on even further.

Some part of Dean's mind was trying to tell him that he should stop now, let go of his cock and cover himself up. Yes, Castiel was basically his boyfriend, but they'd never gone this far before and he was going to take things slow. The rest of his mind overruled the objection in an instant, the endorphins and pleasure coursing through him overwhelming reason easily.


It was a plea and an apology all at once and his hips snapped up involuntarily, driving his cock through his own hand. The sudden heat in the angel's gaze as he watched the involuntarily movement was almost too much for him and Dean had to close his eyes. They flew open again as he felt the bed shift and it was to find Castiel above him.


The angel's voice was lower and rougher than Dean had ever heard it before and he moaned low and deep, pulling Castiel down on top of him, into a dirty kiss. The arousal singing in his veins made him throw caution into the wind and he ground up against the body covering his, desperately seeking more friction now that his hand was no longer on his cock. It seemed to take Castiel a few seconds to react, but then his hands were roaming Dean's heated skin and he groaned his approval, not stopping his search for the angel's tonsils, not that Castiel seemed to mind. Wanting to be able to touch skin himself, he started to undue the damned buttons of the dress shirt.

Dean cursed as his suddenly clumsy fingers slipped and failed. Seemingly as impatient himself, Castiel must have used his mojo as the next thing Dean knew, he was touching bare skin, the trench coat, suit jacket and shirt all gone. He let his left hand drift down to pinch a nipple as he bucked up again, an embarrassing whine escaping from his lips.

"Dean," Castiel moaned, one hand drifting down to rest on the hunter's hip. "Tell me what to do, what you want."

"J- just do whatever-" Dean broke off to gasp and groan as his angel bit his neck lightly, making his first hickey. "Whatever you want. Whatever feels good."

Castiel seemed a little hesitant at first, covering much of what they'd done in the past before allowing his hand to drift lower, to unknown territory. It ran down along the outside of his leg to the back of his knee before coming up again. Dean moaned as his angel pulled back a little, but then there was a hand on his cock and his hips snapped up, seeking more friction. He'd found his lover to be a quick study and therefore wasn't very surprised when the hand started to imitate what he'd been doing to himself when Cas had arrived.

It was like his little fantasy had come to life and Dean could feel himself getting closer at that alone. He glanced down and groaned at the sight of his angel giving him a hand job. It was nearly perfect, just-

"Harder," Dean requested.

His lover hesitated and Dean reached down and wrapped his own hand on top of Castiel's, demonstrating the right force and grip to use and showing him what he liked. He was no longer even trying to control or repress the sounds escaping him and all it took was one look up to find himself the center of that intense, fascinated and awed gaze and he was coming harder than he had in years. Everything went white for a moment but when he came back down a little, it was to find he was still the center of that gaze and that he was still being closely watched. It would figure that his angel was someone who liked to watch others come.

Then Castiel's hand was moving on his now limp cock again and Dean squirmed. "No, Cas, stop, too much."

"Too much is bad?"

Only his angel would still be asking such questions now, when he could feel Castiel's own erection pressing against his hip. "It's oversensitive."

"Oh, okay."

Instead, Castiel pulled his hand away to examine the semen covering it. For one moment, Dean thought he might lick it, which would have been more familiar to him than the intense scrutiny his seed was currently getting, before it suddenly vanished. The slight tingling sensation on his cock and stomach told him Cas had mojoed it all away. And wasn't that handy? He tried to ignore how hot he'd found the image of Castiel tasting his cum and instead focused on what he could do to his angel instead. Whether or not he was aware of it, Cas was starting to grind his erection up against him and he felt the angel definitely deserved better than that.

"What were you doing?" Castiel demanded, voice wrecked and deep with need.

"What? You mean when you arrived?"


"I was masturbating."


"Yeah, self-pleasuring," Dean confirmed, smiling as he pressed a kiss to Castiel's throat, rolling them so the angel was on his back. "Was thinking of you though."

The angel's breath hitched at that and Dean filed it away for future use. Who knew what kind of kinks his lover might have? Not wanting to tease too much this early in Castiel's sex life, he let his hand trail down the angel's chest to start undoing the belt so he could get at his cock. The next instant the belt, pants and underwear were gone and his hand slipped sideways to rest on the angel's hip.

"Impatient much?" Dean laughed. "That's cheating, you know."

"Dean, please!"

"Shh, s'okay, I got you."

Dean found himself responding instantly to the sheer need in his lover's voice. It was unlike anything he'd heard in the angel's voice before and he knew he was already addicted to it. One touch to Castiel's cock was all he needed to be addicted to that as well, not to mention the strangled little noises currently escaping from Cas' mouth. They were the most beautiful thing he'd ever heard and he gave a quick twist of his wrist to wring more of them out.


Castiel's hands had come up clutch at him desperately as the angel's hips bucked up frantically. Dean loved the pleasure glazed look in those blue eyes and wanted to make it even better.

"Hey Cas, you wanna find out what a blowjob is?" Dean asked.

It took a few seconds for the words to register, but then the angel looked at him. "Yes, Dean. Please, anything!"

The whine of protest when Dean let go of the angel's cock made his own dick twitch though he knew he wasn't getting it up again anytime soon. "Shh, trust me, you're gonna like this."

Dean crawled down Castiel's body, not taking the time to tease him that he otherwise would have, far too desperate to reach his target and not sure how long the angel would last. This was the first time anyone else touched him and he remembered easily how quickly he'd shot off that first time. Finally level with his prize, he looked at it for a moment and licked his lips. The feel of his hot breath was enough to make Castiel buck up and cry out.


He glanced upwards and waited until Castiel locked eyes with him before he licked the angel's cock from root to tip. His lover cried out again and threw his head back. Not waiting any longer, Dean opened his mouth and sucked the cock into it, bringing his hands up to hold down Castiel's hips. The angel was reduced to strangled cries and whimpers as he started sucking and tracing the vein at the bottom of the cock with his tongue. Soon afterwards, Castiel was coming and he swallowed everything the angel gave him before reluctantly letting his prize go with a loud pop.

He crawled back up the angel's body to find an awed and blissed out expression on Castiel's face. That uninhibited expression alone told him all he needed to know about what his lover thought about what he'd just experienced for the first time. Knowing the angel's strength, Dean draped himself partially atop the warm body beneath him and nuzzled at Cas' neck, earning himself a sated hum of approval before he closed his eyes and let the pleasant haze carry him off to sleep. His last conscious thought was how nice the arms that had come up to wrap around him felt.

A.N.: Yes, I know this chapter is a bit shorter then what you've gotten used to lately, but I wanted to keep the next scene together instead of splitting it across two chapters. So I hope the content of this chapter makes up for it's length.

Chapter 27

castiel, dean winchester, dean/cas, unexpected destinies

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