
Mar 13, 2011 15:31

Title: Taken
Pairings: Dean/Cas
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: just who and what Castiel is.
Warnings: slash, bare backing, dom!Cas, sub!Dean, power play, PWP, first time, bondage
Word Count: 3,137
Note: Okay, so I'm not sure where this came from, it just kinda spilled out with no real warning yesterday.
Excerpt: "You are the submissive here, Dean; the human. You will yield to me, not the other way around."

"No, Cas, stop, wait," Dean finally managed to get out, pulling back and seating himself on the table.

"What's wrong?" Castiel demanded, moving closer and Dean suddenly wished that he hadn't effectively cornered himself.

Dean tried desperately to pretend that the kiss hadn't affected him as greatly as it had and that his whole body didn't scream for more. What the hell was going on here? He was straight, damnit, always had been and definitely always would be. If there was anything that he was certain of, it was that. Besides, this was Cas, his friend and an angel to boot. He wasn't sure what had come over him, or no, what had come over them. Castiel was a virgin, he'd freely admitted to that and hadn't seemed inclined to change that, had in fact appeared to be downright terrified at the brothel. So what the hell was going on now?

"We shouldn't be doing this," Dean said.

And God, he'd never thought he'd ever say that when sex was involved. But then again, he'd never thought he'd kiss a guy either. A temporary lapse in sanity, that must be what had happened.

"Why not?"

"You're an angel for one."

"Humanity's ideas of my kind are grossly inaccurate. There is nothing that says we cannot have sexual relations."

"Even with humans?"


"Okay, yeah, well, still," Dean floundered momentarily. "You're a guy."


"So I'm a guy to."

"Homosexuality is not a sin, despite what the Bible might seem to indicate."

"I'm not gay."

"And yet you want me despite my vessel's gender."

"No, I don't."

Castiel's eyes narrowed and he stepped even closer, all but invading his personal space, but Dean refused to back down. He knew that his friend wouldn't hurt him and he wasn't going make it look like he thought that. Besides, he didn't back down from angels.

"You lie." Dean sputtered at the accusation, but Castiel continued on before he could argue that statement. "Your heart rate increases when I am close, your eyes dilate and I can smell your arousal."

He could smell his arousal? Oh fucking hell, now that was just downright unfair. How was he supposed to hide his desire if Castiel could do that? He wasn't gay, this was just some fluke, some aberration that would go away shortly and never bother him again. Surely all straight guys had it at least once in their lives? Hell, he'd seen straight chicks check each other out on occasion, it didn't mean anything.

"You want me," Castiel continued. "But if it is the homosexuality of the situation preventing you from admitting it, then that can be changed."

Dean hardly had a second to ponder that statement before the angel held up his hand and clicked his fingers. It was such a Gabriel thing to do that it effectively distracted him for an instant, but then he felt his body shift and change and he glanced down in horror to find that he'd been turned into a chick.

"Cas!" Dean gasped in shock.

His voice was practically unrecognizable to him, far higher pitched and breathy in a way he didn't want to analyze just now.

"You didn't want homosexual sex, now it won't be," Castiel replied simply.

"Son of a bitch!"

Dean didn't even think about it, he swung his fist at the angel only for it be caught mid-swing. Castiel wrapped his own fingers around his wrist and he couldn't pull it free. Calmly, as if this was an entirely normal situation, the angel forced his arm to rotate so that his wrist was pinned to the small of his back, while Castiel's other hand did the same with his free hand until both were effortlessly pinned with just one of the angel's hands. Though it had been done against his will, Castiel had done it gently, making sure not to hurt him in the process. He pushed back as far as he could get, but it wasn't far.

"Let me go," Dean ordered.

"Only if you promise not to try and hurt yourself again. You know what punching me does."

"Yeah, well you deserve to get sucker punched, pal."

"I was merely ameliorating the situation."

"So why didn't you ameliorate yourself instead of me?"

Castiel moved in, pushing his way between Dean's legs so his lips brushed Dean's ear as he spoke, no growled softly in his ear. "You are the submissive here, Dean; the human. You will yield to me, not the other way around."

The words sent a sudden spike of arousal shooting through Dean, sharp and dark and unlike anything he had ever experienced. More powerful and urgent then anything he had ever felt before. It was immediate and amazing and so fucking scary he did the only thing he could restrained as he was and at the mercy of his angel. He bit him right where the shoulder meets the neck. He tasted blood and briefly worried about the consequences of ingesting angel blood, but then Castiel's free hand was on his jaw, the fingers forcing his teeth apart and the angel pulled back enough to look at him.

"Just think about it, Dean," Castiel began.

The angel's hand had released his jaw and now came up to cup Dean's face, his thumb running over his lips. He thought about biting it too but didn't. His eyes were captured by Castiel's unearthly blue ones and he found himself completely unable to tear his gaze away. Not when all he wanted was to pull the angel closer, to kiss him, to touch him, hell even to fuck him. The realization of exactly how strong the desire was, of exactly how much he wanted Castiel, nearly made him close his eyes in shock. This wasn't just some passing fancy that had sprung up out of nowhere and would soon pass, no this was more. He absently wondered exactly how long this had been growing inside of him, of exactly how long he'd been purposefully denying its existence, but he just didn't know and it didn't exactly seem all that important right now.

"For once, you wouldn't need to worry about taking care of everything, of needing to make sure that your partner is liking it and is getting off," Castiel whispered softly, his hand slipping into Dean's hair. "You'd be able to completely let go and just feel."

His breathing was labored now, arousal singing through his body, triggering all kinds of weird and strange reactions that still somehow couldn't pull him free from the trance he seemed to have fallen into. Then those clever fingers found one of his hot spots and Dean's eyes slid shut as he fucking moaned like some two dollar whore. He couldn't help it though, that spot right at his hairline was just that sensitive and it was almost never used as the number of partners who'd ever bothered to learn what got him off were few and far in-between.

Then Castiel was kissing him again, his tongue slipping into Dean's mouth and he found himself kissing him back before he'd even decided to do so. He wanted, no needed more, as they were hardly touching, just Castiel's hands on his wrists and head and their lips. He needed full body contacted, needed the angel's naked skin pressed up against his own. He needed to be able to reach out and touch Castiel, to move and buck. But most of all, he needed his cock, not this fucking vagina, even if it meant gay sex.

With an effort, Dean pulled his head back just enough to talk. "Turn me back."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I wanna be me for this."

"As you wish."

There was another snap of fingers and then his body was shifting again. Dean hated the sensation, but it was all worth it for the familiar feelings of arousal within him and sensation of his dick hardening rapidly as it filled with blood. He moaned once more at the speed with which it happened and Castiel took the opportunity to bring their lips together once more and slip his tongue inside. His own came up in a battle for dominance, but then he stopped, letting the angel claim him. He didn't know where the impulse came from, but he'd done it before he'd really thought about it and the way Castiel's hand tightened in his hair, nails scraping deliciously right along that spot made it more then worth it.

His own acquiescence was kinda freaking Dean out a little, but he had to admit that Castiel had painted a very tempting picture; to be able to completely let go and just experience the pleasures of sex without any cares or thoughts of anything else... To let someone else take care of everything, someone he trusted implicitly and knew would make it good for him, he found that he didn't really have the will to fight that. Not when pleasure and desire were already singing through his veins and his whole body screamed for more, not really caring what that might mean. Right now he was more then willing to entertain thoughts of doing things he'd never done before, of being fucked. This was Castiel after all, the one who'd already proven his loyalty and devotion to him and he knew all he really had to do was tell him to stop and all of this would be over.

It was why Dean hadn't freaked when his hands were restrained and why he hadn't really fought the hold. The fact that it aroused the hell out of him was something he hadn't been able to acknowledge right away, but it was true nonetheless. To be completely unable to do anything but accept the pleasure... apparently he had kinks he'd never even suspected before. Almost as if reading his thoughts, Castiel's hand trailed from his hair down his neck and back, over his captured hands and coming to rest under them in the small of his back. He let out embarrassing noises as his lower body was pushed along the table until their groins were pressed together and he could feel the angel's hardness pressed against his own with just a few layers of clothing between them.

The fact that Castiel hadn't moved his upper body meant that he was now leaning over Dean on the table, effectively putting himself above him and he spared a moment to being beneath the angel before he shut that part of his brain down and just let himself react. His legs which had long since been forced apart to accommodate the angel between them now came up to wrap around Castiel's waist and he was rewarded when his lover bucked against him. Castiel then pulled back to place biting kisses along his jaw and neck, making him mewl pathetically.

"Mine," Castiel declared darkly, staking his claim by biting down harder at the base of his neck.

Dean cried out, his whole body arching as best he could given his current position as the possessiveness and fierceness of the angel's word soaked into him. It seemed to touch and soothe something inside of him that he didn't even know was hurt, but he forgot about it as he felt the brief disorientation of angel flight and then he was flat on his back on a bed. His hands were no longer behind him and were now instead restrained above his head and he rolled his head back for a look only to find that they were tied to the headboard with Castiel's tie. The sight made him moan and it turned into a whine as the angel took advantage of his bared throat to nip at it.

Breathless and completely unable to stop the noises escaping him, Dean simply lay there until Castiel pulled back slightly to look at him. The swirl of emotions and desire in the angels eyes made him whimper involuntarily as his whole body begged for more. The reaction set a predatory smile on Castiel's face that made his own eyes open wide even as his heart rate rose and anticipation flared within him. Oh but fuck, how had he never known this about himself? How had he never- the thought fled as his angel deliberately ground down against him and his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

Distantly, Dean was aware that he was normally the one grinding down and making his partners mewl and keen, but right now he just didn't care. It felt too good and Castiel clearly knew his body better then he did, drawing exactly the kind of responses he wanted from it. Then their clothes were suddenly gone and he felt another man's cock against his own for the very first time in his life. They were both already slick with their own pre-cum and the friction was so amazing that he would have happily stayed there like that, rocking against each other, letting Castiel move on top of him. The angel, it seemed, had other plans.

The hands that roamed over his body as Castiel claimed his lips once more were confident and sure, laying a claim all their own as they stroked, scratched, pinched or otherwise honed in and found each and every one of his hotspots and used them mercilessly. All too soon Dean was nothing but a whimpering and writhing mess beneath the angel but he didn't care as he loved it. His body was being played like an instrument by a master musician and it was mind-blowing.

"Cas! God, please," Dean begged mindlessly, not even sure what he was asking for.

Pleasure washed over him and it was too much and yet not enough. He needed more even as he needed it to stop and his whole world was narrowed down to the angel dominating and claiming him.

"Mine," Castiel declared again, teeth once more at his neck.

The knowledge that he'd have a vivid bruise there, yet another mark of Castiel's on him, was nearly enough to send Dean over the edge. All it took was a single touch to his cock by one of the angel's hands and he was coming harder then he'd ever come before in his life and everything went dark.

When he came around, it happened slowly and the first thing he felt was a deep thrumming satisfaction that made his entire body loose limbed and pliant. Dean also felt a sense of belonging and safety that he hadn't ever experienced before, not even when he'd been little and his mother was still alive.

He also felt full in a way he'd never felt before.

Dean's eyes opened slowly and he made a little noise as he tried to figure out what was happening.


His name was spoken reverently but with an undercurrent of emotion he didn't instantly recognize. When Dean's eyes met Castiel's his breath caught in his throat at the emotions he saw there. There was affection and desire, lust and pleasure, satisfaction and possessiveness, fierceness and... and love. The latter seemed to shut his mind down for a while and it took him far longer then it should have to realize that the fullness was due to the fact that the angel had his fingers in him. And yes, it was fingers, plural, as he could definitely feel that there was more then one of them in there. The realization proved to be just the distraction he needed and his eyes slipped shut as Castiel spread them and fuck, that was weird!

"Cas," Dean said even as his spent cock gave a twitch as if it liked what was happening and wanted to join the fun once more.

The rest of him wasn't as sure and Dean tried not to let his mind start to think about just how large Castiel was and how that could possible fit there. The mere fact that he was trying to avoid thinking about it of course made him do the exact opposite and his breath caught in his throat for an entirely different reason. Before he could voice those fears, though, Castiel did something with his fingers and his entire body lit up like a fucking Christmas tree and he arched up against the angel with a cry.

"What the hell was that?" Dean demanded, stunned.

Instead of responding, Castiel kissed him and did it again. Dean mewled against the lips claiming his and found that he was hard again and more then ready to go. Shit, why hadn't anyone told him that bottoming for a guy could be like this? He was clutching the angel before he fully realized that his hands were now free, but then Castiel was withdrawing his fingers and he whined.

"Shh," Castiel soothed, stroking his flank and positioning himself at Dean's entrance.

The angel didn't give him a chance to think about what was going to happen next, pushing in right away instead. Dean threw his head back with a gasp as Castiel's cock slowly but surely penetrated him until he could feel the angel's balls resting against his ass. It was a totally alien experience that made pleasure and a slight burning pain run through him as he was stretched wide and taken. The angel also wasn't wearing a condom, so he could feel everything of him inside of him and he shuddered. Briefly the thought that he had another man's cock inside of him, that he was being fucked instead of fucking, flashed through his mind, but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared as the angel began to move within him again.

The first few thrusts were slow and clearly designed to let him get used to the sensation of being fucked while strong hands held his hips down. But then Castiel set up a hard, fast pace and Dean was unable to do anything but hold on and respond as he was taken, claimed, owned. It made him swallow hard but it also comforted him. He was never going to be alone again, he now belonged to the angel, was now his. The thought made him mewl again and he squeezed down on the cock within him, earning himself a growl and another cherished "Mine!"

Then Castiel's hand slotted into place over the mark on his arm and Dean could feel the angel inside of him in a totally different way. It was almost as if he could feel the angel's Grace near his soul and he keened, completely surrendering every last bit of resistance and doubt. When it came, the touch to his soul was every bit as possessive and fierce as those to his body had been and he came again, submitting himself completely to Castiel.

castiel, dean winchester, oneshot, dean/cas

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