Movement (ムーブ!) GET!!

Dec 12, 2006 21:11

Congratulations to ME! おめでとうございます。I got it! I've got the clip from Movement (ムーブ!) ! Today is REALLY my lucky day. YES YES YES!!! (^o^)v


Here's a quote from the interview:

レポーター: 今回のCMの撮影はどうですか。こうやって見て。
Reporter: What do you think of shooting this CM like this?

山P: 基本的には自然体なんですけど。
Yamapi: Basically, it's natural.

レポーター: ええ。
Reporter: Yes.

山P: カメラ回してる時も、本当カメラさんと俺と二人だけ見たいな感じなんで。
Yamapi: When the camera is running, it feels like there are only the camera man and myself. Only the 2 of us there.

レポーター: じゃ、本当に見てるとしては山下君の本当にそのプライベートのような部分が見えてるような。
Reporter: So it seems as if this is part of Yamashita kun's private life for real.

山P: まあ、7割はそうと思います。
Yamapi: I think it seems like 70% is my real life.

レポーター: 7割?3割は違うんですか。
Reporter: 70%? So is 30% different?

山P: 3割はやっぱりとっておきたい部分があるんですね。
Yamapi: I'd like to keep 30% to myself afterall.

レポーター: 隠すとっておきたいと言う部分も。
Reporter: So there are things that you'd like to keep it as secrets.

山P: 日に日に成長してればいいと思いますけど。
Yamapi: It'll be good if I can become mature with each passing day.

If you find my rough translation inaccurate, please let me know. I really appreciate it. :)

Guess who this is?

Remeber I've asked if anyone can guess who that handsome fella was from my previous LJ? Here's the answer. That's Yamapi's dog "Kuma" in Byakkotai. Got it?

Today's Japanese Lesson

So here it goes:

Vocabulary: 自然体(shizentai)
Intonation: shi ZE N TA I
Meaning: a natural (posture); a natural (an unaffected) attitude; in a natural manner; a calm relaxed stance.
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