Title: Out of Legends
Author: Soledad
Andromeda crossoversGenre: Action-adventure
Rating: Adult, mostly for violence and other disturbing stuff.
Series/sequel: None, so far.
Archiving: my website and Otherworlds. Everyone else: ask, please.
Disclaimer: don’t own them, no money made. All borrowed from various TV-shows, save from a few OCs
Timeframe: early Season 2 for Andromeda, end of Season 1 for SG-Atlantis.
Summary: Trying their luck with Hasturi’s map once again, the Andromeda ends up in the Pegasus galaxy, 3000 years in the past. Will the Ancient knowledge stored in Atlantis help them get home again?
This is a crossover and an AU, written with the explicit intent to change a lot of things I greatly dislike in either Andromeda’s or SG-Atlantis’ canon. Consequently, Dr. Weir has the first name Theresa and is still played by the wonderful Jessica Steen; she is the cousin of Elizabeth Weir, and is still engaged to Simon Wallace. Theresa and Elizabeth had been in sharp competition with each other all their lives, but Elizabeth never stood a chance. Not until Theresa left for Atlantis, that is.
I also twisted canon a bit by having supporting characters in Atlantis who would only appear with one of the Earth ships at the end of Season 1. There are too many name- and faceless extras on the show; I wanted a less homogenous community. I added a few original Athosian characters, and no, I’m not particularly impressed with either Major Sheppard or Teyla Emmagan.
In this AU (as in practically all of my Andromeda-stories) Tyr had kept Freya with him after “Double Helix”, while still sending the rest of Orca Pride into exile. The Perseids Höhne and Rekeeb are aboard Andromeda, bargaining for the use of Hasturi’s map, The Than hive is from my Birthright series and their leader, the Diamond Than, is aboard to “study” Dylan Hunt’s actions before giving the Than government her opinion about joining the new Commonwealth. And no, I don’t like Dylan Hunt, either.
I want to emphasize again that this is an AU. I know my canon and I respect it to a certain extent, but I have my own view on the events and the characters, which might contradict the accepted norm. You have been warned.
Still with me? Then lean back and enjoy. :))
Story layout
Chapter 01 - Slip Point Lost Chapter 02 - Terra Atlantica Chapter 03 - First Contact Chapter 04 - Truths, Nightmares & Superstitions Chapter 05 - Skeletons in Cupboards Chapter 06 - Manhunt and Other Unpleasant Things Chapter 07 - Revelations Chapter 08 - Negotiations Chapter 09 - Gateway to the Stars Chapter 10 - Chance Encounter on M85-393 Chapter 11 - Dead Planet Ahead Chapter 12 - Heroes, Part 1 Chapter 13 - Heroes, Part 2 Chapter 14 - Heroes, Part 3 Chapter 15 - Clash of Titans Part 16 - Liberation Chapter 17 - Aftermath Chapter 18 - Conversions Chapter 19 - Recoveries Epilogue This story is complete.