by Soledad
Author: Soledad
Fandom: Torchwood AU, with inevitable elements of Dr. Who.
Genre: Action-adventure, Angst, Drama, Romance - take your pic.
Rating: General to Teens, for most parts. Adult for the chapter(s) where it’s specifically marked... assuming there will be such chapters.
Disclaimer: Dr. Who and Torchwood - settings and characters - belong to the BBC. I am just borrowing them. No copyright infringement intended and no money made.
Timeline: Early 2nd season for Torchwood. Spoilers for the 4th series episode "The Doctor's Daughter" for Dr. Who.
Series: "Sleeping Dragons", a Torchwood Alternate Season 2. This is Episode 03.
Summary: Jenny, the Doctor’s daughter, crashes with her spaceship in Splott. Unfortunately, she’s followed by some alienst she had managed to cross previously. Will the Torchwood Three team be able to save her - and Cardiff - from the wrath of the aliens?
Note: this is an original story, not related to any actual episode in Season 2. Well... not very much anyway.
The new Torchwood Three Team:
Captain Jack Harkness, former leader of Torchwood Three; currently responsible for all field missions, third-in-command
Ianto Jones, the new Director of Torchwood Three, nominally the head of the entire organization and also their Head Archivist
Dr. Toshiko Sato, his second-in-command, Head Researcher of Torchwood Three
Dr. Owen Harper, lead medic, restricted to lab and light field duty due to health issues
Dr. Tom Milligan, their new medic, surgeon and pathologist
Dr. Trevor Howard, an engineer by trade and their tech expert (a former assistant of Dr. Rajesh Singh of Torchwood London), the right-hand-man of Tosh.
Dr. Sara Lloyd, former SOCO-member, currently specialized on alien life forms. Holds a degree in biochemistry.
Sally Jacobs, an ex-UNIT technician, communications expert
Andy Davidson, ex-constable, field agent
Rhys Williams, general support and logistics expert
Emma Louise Cowell-Williams, Ianto’s PA, junior archivist, Rhys’ wife
Mickey Smith, field agent and team mechanic, responsible for keeping the SUV in top shape; also the keeper of the Weevils
Dr. Angela Connolly, a doctor at St. Helen’s Hospital, freelance medic at Torchwood Three
Beth Halloran, who runs the cover shop and helps Rhys organizing things.
Other people making appearances:
Jenny Smith, cloned daughter of the Tenth Doctor
Dr. Martha Jones, ex-companion of the Doctor and medical officer of the local UNIT base
Colonel Alan Mace, commander of the local UNIT base.
Corporal Carol Bell, Colonel Mace’s secretary
Sergeant Zbrigniew
Private Ross Jenkins
Private Carl Harris, tech expert of the base
Private Steve Grey
Dr. Emilia Fox, Tom’s ex, a therapist associated with UNIT
Dr. Jeannie McKay, Canadian scientist, formerly of Torchwood London, currently a resident in Providence Park.
Sarah Jane Smith - does she have to be introduced?
Detective Katy Swanson, police liaison to Torchwood Three
Other assorted detectives from Swanson's precinct.
Various assorted aliens, both nice and bad ones.
Chapter 01 Chapter 02 Chapter 03 Chapter 04 Chapter 05 Chapter 06 Chapter 07 Chapter 08 Chapter 09 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Epilogue This story is now complete. (Took me long enough, but there you are.)
The "Sleeping Dragons" series will be continued with Episode 04 - Atonement.