
Oct 19, 2010 18:17

Alright, I need some opinions.

Let's say that I applied to join an RPG that sounded really nifty. I filled out the super long application, I put together the writing samples that were requested (not just like, a paragraph or two, but several pages) as well as a couple additional pieces of fiction to not only plump the application but to flesh out the character background.

I sent all this in just shy of a month ago as of now. A couple days after sending it in I posted to inquire and make sure they had received my email. I essentially got back an email that told me to back off because the mods had real lives and it would take a bit to be approved. Ooookay, I get that, I'm like cool - just wanted to check that you got the email (I put a smiley face in my message and everything, yo. Super friendly.)

Then, a couple weeks ago I get a message that says to set up a character journal - okay, cool, I do that, I reply and let them know it's done.

Aaaannd... that's it. That's the last I've heard. They haven't added me to the character list, they haven't emailed, they haven't messaged. Nada.

It's not as though there's a huge influx of members or anything - no one has been added to the character list. There's like... two people on it. They haven't even really started the game yet.

So... at what point do I say "You know what, forget it. Thank you for your time." and withdraw my application? I'm starting to have some doubts about this RPG ever getting off the ground even and I'm not sure if I want to stay in limbo while I wait to see whether or not they're serious about the game.

I'm also wary of messaging anymore given the reply that I got from my first inquiry about receiving my email.

Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions? All appreciated.

gaming, marvel, indecisive wench

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