If you could be another person for the day who would you be and why?
Hmmm. Tough question. The temptation is to say either Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, so I could sleep with the other one. Not to mention just being that cool. That's quite shallow though
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Comments 3
OOooooooookay. You picked me. Oyi. Me? Hmmm.. I'll definitely give it some thought. I'll have to pick a writer because I wonder honestly what it's like to have an internal dialogue give you just the perfect flow of words.
Of course, there's the smut in me too. I'll have to pick someone who addresses that kink I need to address :D
Darn.. Pressure to pick.. pressure to choose. But choose I shall! Keep a whethered eye out and I'll post my selections probably tonight!
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